The best deals I have found for plane tickets is Air Fare Watchdog. They send me an email everyday with fares from the Dayton Airport, which is the closest in my area.
In the past month, roundtrip fares to Orlando have ranged from 158-278.
There are a couple things you can do to get affordable fares. First find the cheapest airport in your area. In mid- southern Ohio it is the Dayton Airport, followed by Columbus, then Cincinnati. Fares are frequently much cheaper in Dayton. Sign up for Airfare Watchdog, read the daily emails for awhile and notice the trend. If you plan on going to Worlds next year no matter what, buy your ticket in December, when gas is cheaper and the planes aren't full. I saw a 128 round trip fare last fall for Dayton to Orlando. Check the airline websites on Tuesday nights, that is the lowest price normally. Join trip advisor and read their forums, those people are smart and I've found great deals there too.
You can save money, you just need to do a little research.