All-Star Religion In The Gym

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The same thing happened to my uncle. My mother and he went to a private catholic school, and from what I am told once he got to middle & high school it was pretty obvious he was gay, and it was decided that the catholic school was not the best environment for him. And this was in the 70's so I am sure it was pretty rough for him. This actually had a dramatic effect on my mother and her relationship with God and she hasn't been back to church since the day she graduated high school :oops: Even though these events happened 35 years ago (longer than I have been alive) they affected me because my mother has removed all spirituality from her life. However, she did say that us children were free to make our own decisions about spirituality and religion (I am still confused about my beliefs...) but I do feel "free", if that makes sense. My older daughter is very open minded about religion (she thinks Hinduism is great-my boss is Hindu and has idols of Gods throughout the office). I would never force my kids to believe anything specific, because in my thought processes it is all the same in the end.
love your post <3
i did try the whole christian thing but as a young child i knew i liked the same sex and when they told me that was horrible i just quit with it all

I am also sorry you had that experience! If you ever reconsider exploring Christianity again I wanted you to know that all Christians do not think same sex relationships are horrible. While many of the new faith Christian churches welcome these relationships there are also many traditional denominations that do as well. Being a member of the Presbyterian USA I know we recently changed our doctrine to allow openly gay and lesbian members be ministers as well.
I am also sorry you had that experience! If you ever reconsider exploring Christianity again I wanted you to know that all Christians do not think same sex relationships are horrible. While many of the new faith Christian churches welcome these relationships there are also many traditional denominations that do as well. Being a member of the Presbyterian USA I know we recently changed our doctrine to allow openly gay and lesbian members be ministers as well.
eh im just not feeling it i like being what i want and that the moment that is just me
Actually NOT the one I was going for, but I'll take it *hands you plate of deliciousness* I was going for Saved!

To be honest, Saved! (which I highly recommend to anyone. Funny, witty, and coupled with a bit of thinking) completely redid my outlook of life, religion and spirituality. Your God and My God (or lack there of), might not be the same. I might have a God and Goddess, or 600 of each. Or no Supreme Being, just an ideology of looking at life (Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism/Taoism), we should all just have one big spirituality party of life, love and happiness. Or no spirituality and just life, love and happiness. of my favorite movies :cool:
Watch it if you haven't...
We pray after every practice and before and after competitions... We tell our kids in the circle you can join or not... They can say their own thing if they like or they can keep their eyes open and ignore the prayer...
I think it is crazy to take away prayer in a free country from anything, public or private... all you gotta do when you don't want to pray is don't listen but don't take away from those that do believe...
This country is going crazy! :eek:
We pray after every practice and before and after competitions... We tell our kids in the circle you can join or not... They can say their own thing if they like or they can keep their eyes open and ignore the prayer...
I think it is crazy to take away prayer in a free country from anything, public or private... all you gotta do when you don't want to pray is don't listen but don't take away from those that do believe...
This country is going crazy! :eek:
i dont think its the fact of prayer, i personaly belive you can pray to who you want on your own time. its just our country is a big melting pot of races religion sexuality everything and it makes people feel extra awkward when they feel compelled to do something. my friend doesnt not stand up for pledges and he made a page about it and everything. he said he will stand up when the citizens are equal. me and a lot of other students agree so we dont stand up but thats besides the point i think that religion should be left at home and in your church and in your gatherings because i dont want religion forced on me i want to find it for myself.

sorry i rambled haha
my team always prays before we perform at a competition. even if the whole team doesn't, it doesn't matter. it's usually just me and one other girl who lead the prayer (last year it was hail mary this year its the our father) and we don't make anyone join us if they don't want to. it just helps us come together as a team though. it makes some of us feel closer, and it's just a nice way to help calm nerves before going up on stage :)

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