WOW! Somebody got their feelings hurt lol!
You need to understand that GT will be better and cleaner by then. Again you better be able to execute a level 3 stunt perfect if you're level 5 World's team lol! Last I checked, there were some winners at World's last yr who were out executed by 2nd and 3rd place teams so that comparison is out the window for me.
I'm sorry you took my post personal as it was not meant to be. I was not attacking anyone or any team. I was just stating that to ME, I'd rather see 10 tick tocks hit than see 12 straight up stunts. If I want to see stunts go straight up, then I would go to All Levels.
Everyone knows that TG is the DEAL and the team to beat. I'm sure they're gonna come with some heat as they always do. As of right now though, I like GT Platinum so shoot me.