First of all, GP is not made up entirely of YE kids. In fact, more than 2/3rds of the kids that are on GP were on a Y2 or Mini2/3 last year (many are brand new to the program as well). Just because YE is a 'well rounded level 5 team' does not mean that ALL of the athletes that are crossing from YE to GP are included in that statistic. YE does have many kids who are on the team because they bring one specific thing to the team. Their height, their jumps, their ability to base, or sometimes just their heart and love of the sport. One kid may be a beast of a backspot and doesn't have a handspring. One kid could base someone twice her size but has a tumbling block on a tuck that she just can't seem to shake. As I've said before, I can completely vouch for this because my kid is one of them. Of the small number of YE kids that are crossing to GP, I'd say that 95% of them fall into one of these above type categories. Do all of them? No. Do most of them? Absolutely.
Of the handful of YE kids that are crossing to GP, I'm not going to sit here and list them out, discussing their strengths and weaknesses, what strengths they have and what level they are in everything they do. We know these kids. We see them every day, in person. We watch them struggle. We watch them learn. We know what they're capable of and what they're not capable of. Just because you see them in a JTV video on Y5 doesn't somehow make you an expert on their skillset.
I really don't see why this is such a difficult concept.