I may be in the minority but I do not think it is my cp's responsibilty to "help" another lower skilled team in her same age bracket all season long. I could understand if another athlete was hurt and she was asked to fill in for a couple of practices or a comp or two, but otherwise I would want her on her skill appropriate team if she was only doing one team in her age bracket. Next season when she ages out of juniors and is only on one senior team, she plans to try out for her school team. Call me selfish but I think it is the gym's responsibility to make the best teams they can with the kids they have and not the most teams because they can. My cp on the other hand would probably be happy to do 2 senior teams at her gym next year if I let her.
Rereading this, it comes off a little harsh. But when I see a kid for example who is flying on a 2 junior teams one of which is obviously below her skill level, I look at it as a spot taken away from a flyer on a lower team who could have been taught and improved on those skills that season rather than using the superior one in both spots.