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First of all, GP is not made up entirely of YE kids. In fact, more than 2/3rds of the kids that are on GP were on a Y2 or Mini2/3 last year (many are brand new to the program as well). Just because YE is a 'well rounded level 5 team' does not mean that ALL of the athletes that are crossing from YE to GP are included in that statistic. YE does have many kids who are on the team because they bring one specific thing to the team. Their height, their jumps, their ability to base, or sometimes just their heart and love of the sport. One kid may be a beast of a backspot and doesn't have a handspring. One kid could base someone twice her size but has a tumbling block on a tuck that she just can't seem to shake. As I've said before, I can completely vouch for this because my kid is one of them. Of the small number of YE kids that are crossing to GP, I'd say that 95% of them fall into one of these above type categories. Do all of them? No. Do most of them? Absolutely.

Of the handful of YE kids that are crossing to GP, I'm not going to sit here and list them out, discussing their strengths and weaknesses, what strengths they have and what level they are in everything they do. We know these kids. We see them every day, in person. We watch them struggle. We watch them learn. We know what they're capable of and what they're not capable of. Just because you see them in a JTV video on Y5 doesn't somehow make you an expert on their skillset.

I really don't see why this is such a difficult concept.
It's not a difficult concept. At all. However, between this thread and a couple of others, the majority of people who posted what team their CP made YE and GP, and several also listed JE in that mix. So, you may bee 100% correct, but based on the information that has been posted, the information given is there are majority crossovers between the 3 teams. Can't blame people for side eyeing with the information that has been put out there. Add to the next statement I bolded, you are right, we aren't experts on any one individual's skill set, but we have seen enough videos (since they are posted all over the place) to know that YE has majority level 4/5 tumbling and stunting, so every crossover to GP is performing higher level skills - stunting, jumping, motions, and/or tumbling on a regular basis (they aren't all nuggeting in the back for the entire routine). Yes, it is totally within the rules, but to say it isn't happening (and some are trying to lead us to believe this or that it is ok in this particular situation and this is where my issue lies) is calling the rest of us fools. That and a coach saying the average age of the team is 6.5 years. That means for every 11 year old you have a 3 year old which means you must have a lot of 3 year olds with back handsprings on the team;). Again, I get that these posts can be hard for a parent with a CP on the team to read, but the posters here are all making legitimate and respectful points.
So..... just wondering what do we think of the small gyms that do this all the time? They do it to be able to make teams for "everyone who tries out makes a team motto" ?? I know my child, and several others cheered under their level as a double competitor, but it was to make enough kids for the level 2 or level 3 teams. The kids that double competed helped the team. They were like mentors for the kids to teach proper techniques ect. It is not like YE is the same team going by 2 names, they both have different rosters. As long as Allstars allow crossovers this will happen. Putting higher level athletes on a lower level teams is also never a guarantee for a big win!!!
So..... just wondering what do we think of the small gyms that do this all the time? They do it to be able to make teams for "everyone who tries out makes a team motto" ?? I know my child, and several others cheered under their level as a double competitor, but it was to make enough kids for the level 2 or level 3 teams. The kids that double competed helped the team. They were like mentors for the kids to teach proper techniques ect. It is not like YE is the same team going by 2 names, they both have different rosters. As long as Allstars allow crossovers this will happen. Putting higher level athletes on a lower level teams is also never a guarantee for a big win!!!
We are at a smaller gym that uses crossovers; in fact, many kids including my own cp do 2 teams. The difference for us though is that if you want to be on only one team, you are on the age/skill level appropriate team. The second team is typically one age group up/one level up. My cp, who is junior age, did a junior 3 and a senior 4 last season. Had she chosen to do one team, she would have been on the junior 3 as that was our highest junior team. An interesting question would be if each of those YE/GP crossovers were told they could only be on one age appropriate team based on their skills, which one would it be?
We are at a smaller gym that uses crossovers; in fact, many kids including my own cp do 2 teams. The difference for us though is that if you want to be on only one team, you are on the age/skill level appropriate team. The second team is typically one age group up/one level up. My cp, who is junior age, did a junior 3 and a senior 4 last season. Had she chosen to do one team, she would have been on the junior 3 as that was our highest junior team. An interesting question would be if each of those YE/GP crossovers were told they could only be on one age appropriate team based on their skills, which one would it be?
That, is how our old gym did it as well... You had to do age appropriate team first, example mine was a 10 year old with a full. So, she had to do youth 2 first, then junior 3, then she could do S5R to compete her full. When she aged to senior only, she usually did a S coed 5 and s4 or 3 all girl, to help the other team.
So..... just wondering what do we think of the small gyms that do this all the time? They do it to be able to make teams for "everyone who tries out makes a team motto" ?? I know my child, and several others cheered under their level as a double competitor, but it was to make enough kids for the level 2 or level 3 teams. The kids that double competed helped the team. They were like mentors for the kids to teach proper techniques ect. It is not like YE is the same team going by 2 names, they both have different rosters. As long as Allstars allow crossovers this will happen. Putting higher level athletes on a lower level teams is also never a guarantee for a big win!!!

This. My kid cheered on a level 1 team with level 4 skills for years because that's what the gym she was at had available.

If these YE kids were at just about any other gym, they would be placed on lower level teams (since very few programs have Y5 available) with whatever skills they do or do not have. And you wouldn't see the world having a fit about that. But, I digress....
This. My kid cheered on a level 1 team with level 4 skills for years because that's what the gym she was at had available.

If these YE kids were at just about any other gym, they would be placed on lower level teams (since very few programs have Y5 available) with whatever skills they do or do not have. And you wouldn't see the world having a fit about that. But, I digress....
I guess it's more because they are at a gym that does have a youth 5. And they have the skills to make a youth 5 but many are still doing a lower level youth team as well. If they were on a youth 3 and a junior 5 with the youth 3 being the highest youth level available, I don't think as many people would be side-eying it.

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This. My kid cheered on a level 1 team with level 4 skills for years because that's what the gym she was at had available.

If these YE kids were at just about any other gym, they would be placed on lower level teams (since very few programs have Y5 available) with whatever skills they do or do not have. And you wouldn't see the world having a fit about that. But, I digress....
I think it would be hard for any parent to read critiques about their cp's team. And your natural response is to stick up for the team. I feel like no one on here is going to agree. I don't know YE or GP from so I can't give my opinion on this issue. (though I do watch them from time to time, so I can't say who is on the team or what skills they have). Anyway that's my 2 cents. But I wanted to ask you a question. Even though CEA as a whole is big program. How big as in how many athletes are from the Kernersville location?
On another note,I don't understand how Mini Maddie D can fly on youth elite AND GP. Is there no other little level 3 youth age flyer that entire gym that doesn't have Lv.5 flying skills?

What is she supposed to do, backspot? Plus it's pretty clear from that video that she doesn't have the strongest bases underneath her on GP.
What is she supposed to do, backspot? Plus it's pretty clear from that video that she doesn't have the strongest bases underneath her on GP.
Maybe not backspot,but what's wrong with being a front or side base? If she's flying on 2 level 5 teams,why not make her a base,to a little 4-6 yr.old and have her show them the ropes? I just read a thread,that spoke about having the skill sets to base and fly,enhance your opportunities and make you an all around better cheerleader.
Maybe not backspot,but what's wrong with being a front or side base? If she's flying on 2 level 5 teams,why not make her a base,to a little 4-6 yr.old and have her show them the ropes? I just read a thread,that spoke about having the skill sets to base and fly,enhance your opportunities and make you an all around better cheerleader.

Normally I'd agree, but the girl in question is TINY. Even in pictures with YE she's barely up to some of her teammate's shoulders. There's merit to having experience in all positions, but who on earth is she going to base with? By the sheer fact that she's so small she's basically a flyer by default.
Normally I'd agree, but the girl in question is TINY. Even in pictures with YE she's barely up to some of her teammate's shoulders. There's merit to having experience in all positions, but who on earth is she going to base with? By the sheer fact that she's so small she's basically a flyer by default.
I've never really seen her in photos or even in person;and the little I've seen or know is due to fierceboard/youtube. I think sometimes people write off tiny girls,as just flyers,because of their height/weight. I have a tiny one,4'10 (and a half),90 lb,who stop growing at 13,so she was always a flyer. She loved being in the air,so it wasn't a issue for her,but it wasn't until she filled in on a jr.1/2 team,did she have a chance to base. Her flyer was actually a bit,maybe an inch or 2 taller then her and they were around the same weight,but since my cp had the chance to fly on her regular teams,they trained her to be a base. She really only helped base the elite and basket sections,but after every practice,she came out,just gushing about how she learned to be a better flyer,by being on the ground and feeling what her bases did and it showed in her performances! Before than,I and many others,had written her off as too tiny to do anything but fly;the few short months filling in,it helped her become a all around better cheerleader. I'm not saying that it's wrong to have her fly on GP,but I know from experience,that writing off a kid as too tiny to do anything,but fly,isn't always true. If someone had told me a month before that experience,that my itty bitty girl,would be basing,I would have laughed out loud and ask for a sip of what they were drinking. It may take more time to train a tiny girl to base,but it can be done.
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I think this is a really interesting strategy but what I'm not understanding, isn't this what classes are for? If I'm a really good base and want to learn to fly, I feel like it makes more sense in term of time, money, and the burnout aspect of double teaming for me to just take a flyer class. To each their own and I have no doubt CSP has her reasons for this system but I feel like classes are more effective and more fair to achieve the same effect.
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That, is how our old gym did it as well... You had to do age appropriate team first, example mine was a 10 year old with a full. So, she had to do youth 2 first, then junior 3, then she could do S5R to compete her full. When she aged to senior only, she usually did a S coed 5 and s4 or 3 all girl, to help the other team.
I may be in the minority but I do not think it is my cp's responsibilty to "help" another lower skilled team in her same age bracket all season long. I could understand if another athlete was hurt and she was asked to fill in for a couple of practices or a comp or two, but otherwise I would want her on her skill appropriate team if she was only doing one team in her age bracket. Next season when she ages out of juniors and is only on one senior team, she plans to try out for her school team. Call me selfish but I think it is the gym's responsibility to make the best teams they can with the kids they have and not the most teams because they can. My cp on the other hand would probably be happy to do 2 senior teams at her gym next year if I let her.

Rereading this, it comes off a little harsh. But when I see a kid for example who is flying on a 2 junior teams one of which is obviously below her skill level, I look at it as a spot taken away from a flyer on a lower team who could have been taught and improved on those skills that season rather than using the superior one in both spots.
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