There are Themes that are not positive such as Thugs - I do not understand the point of doing this, but looking at that picture and some of the other pictures - when they are subject to misinterpretation and so ambiguous then it is not offensive - Thugs at one time, did not screamed Lower class Blacks or Hispanics; what I remembered and my understanding of Thug's Life is supposed to represent someone who is streetwise, hustlers and someone who working hard to rise above their adversity... Example of the typical Thug in the 70s - 80s, would be that person who refused to work for anyone or what they will say for the "Man" or 9 to 5 (Corporate) and will buy merchandise from Wholesalers and be selling stuff from the trunk of their car or makeshift cart on any corner in the neighborhood, these guys will be selling cologne, watches, pocketbooks, ties, etc... and had these hard sell pitches... But over the years, it has become something that is derogative...-probably because of the Hip-Hop Rappers:
Funny Story: Last Halloween, the gym allowed the athletes, coaches and all the staff to dress in costumes... It was so funny, because unknowingly, more than half of the gym came in dressed as Nerds - The Coaches came in dressed like 70's-80's nerds, like from the movie "Revenge of the Nerds", the older teenagers came in looking like the Bill Gates, Silicon Valley, PeeWee Herman l, with the suspenders, high waisted shorts and clashing multi-colors and prints and the younger people came in looking like the characters from Big Bang Theory. The commonality between all the nerds were the hard-rimmed glasses with the tape around the nose area. Nerds in my opinion is a life style and does not scream race and/or anything derogatory, so everybody had fun with this...