ntlgnt1 said.... The fact is PARENTS should have priority! We as parents pay a lot of money for our kids to cheer...unrelated spectators pay???? For ONE TRIP! Let's not forget, if we didn't pay tuition for our kids to cheer there would be NO WORLDS! Whether thousands of spectators show up or one....The parents are there to support thier CPs all year round, not just for Worlds! Now if spectators would like to start making donations to the CPs to cheer, then I would take your complaints about parents not getting preference more seriously!
I say.....no need to get your nickers in a twist and no need for the CAP letters. Just because it was my 1st trip to Worlds doesnt mean its my 1st Rodeo. I've been in Allstar for years and been to Dallas, Atlanta, DC, Indy, etc. There seems to always be some type of seating problem. And it didn't take a rocket scientist to know there would be a major problem Sunday. Parents should get priority seating (I never said they shouldn't) but we knew that wasn't going to be the case. I have been in similar situations where I have gotten other girls ready so their moms could get us seats and visa versa. People just have to put their heads together and try to figure it out. Sometimes it works. Sometimes, it sucks. There is a saying my grandmother use to say....."If you want to do something, you find a way. If not, you find an excuse.":) Have a blessed day