That explination made barely any sense above and i ran out of edit time so...
I didn't mean to be mean, but we all know there are
SOME teams who shouldn't be there because of skill level. It would be stupid to get rid of some Small Senior teams (although there are a lot) that are up to skill level, but not get rid of the ones who are international and not at level 5.
If it makes it right, it would've been better to say this instead of "some international teams" how about "some teams that AREN'T up to par"
I apologize if it came out mean. I just really don't think its right for an international team (or any team for that matter) to compete at Worlds and not have level 5 or 6 skills, IMO. Have a nice day, BowCat. Oh and i've never said anything about Int'l teams until now.