All-Star Top Gun Uniform Discussion

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Maybe I am going out on a limb here but......I do not necessarily agree with comments saying that Uniforms don't matter. If they didn't then why do programs spend so much time trying to come up with a new concept. Even with full length tops and simple designs, owners and coaches take the time to get the exact concept they are looking for. Like Cory said....Those uniforms are PERFECTLY acceptable in Miami. Do I think ANY other team in the country could pull them off? Absolutely not, but are they an Epic Fail like some of you are making them out to be? Not at all. I believe that most would agree that Many programs have a "specific" look that fits them, and in some cases when that "look" is off they don't give off the same effect. Top Gun to me has always had that kind of Sexy Bad @** Swag feel to their routine ESPECIALLY their girls, and these uniforms are definitely giving me that. So before anyone else completely trashes the uniforms, let's try and remember no is asking you to squeeze into one, and the girls in them look great.
The uniforms will not be in my previous post this was our first time out in the uniforms and they will be altered to fit correctly without any "malfunctions" at future competitions. At the end of the day if you hate it that much there are always options at the competition...maybe a snack break?
The uniforms will not be in my previous post this was our first time out in the uniforms and they will be altered to fit correctly without any "malfunctions" at future competitions. At the end of the day if you hate it that much there are always options at the competition...maybe a snack break?

Hate is so strong a word. I'm just worried, per usual, of unintended consequences.
Ugh, I agree that obviously the girls look good in them, but that doesn't change the fact that if they were walking around in them people wouldn't have any idea they were even cheerleaders. Uniforms in some ways matter, and in some ways they don't. In this case, I most definitely think that they do, especially after looking at the photos... I can't believe that it's even aloud to be worn. It seems like with all the rules that competitive cheer has, that there would be some kind of limit to what you can wear, i'm scared to see whats next -_-. I mean its obvious that there were problems with them, when there are 5+ pictures of girls with VERY CLOSE encounters. IMO I don't think the unis give off a good vibe, I mean yeah maybe like a sexy vibe, but I thought that the goal of all cheerleaders is to convince and proove to all that it is a sport, and like it has been said so many times in this thread... these uniforms do the exact* opposite. When doing a 'sport' you want to be wearing the most comfortable thing, that is flattering and cute, and still gives you the ability to give 100%.Sure the girls look amazing in them... but that still doesn't mean the uniforms look good as cheer uniforms, or convey an appropriate message. I don't know I just think it's kinda sad that the uniforms are getting smaller and smaller.
I said the competition. All of you stalkers who take the time to go through every picture on action moments, who by the way, take the pictures for the athletes of the team and not members of the Boards!

Since this was directed at me I'll reply. As others have said I'd hardly call it stalking. I was barely even interested until I saw all the ridiculousness on this thread. And all the backlash that if we didn't like the uniform it was because we are stuffy, hating, have, and I quote, "sub par choreography", etc. So you bet your exposed breast I looked for something to support my claims that the uni was what I think of as inappropriate. If nothing else it'd be nice if ONE person would take a look at all those shots of DIFFERENT girls tugging up their tops and admit it was at least a bad judgment call.
It was stated before the uniforms with malfunctions will be fixed to avoid the "close encounters" again. The uniforms look pretty dang athletic to me, you can see how tone and fit the girls are. Also, I am going to look at the uniform from the opposite end of the spectrum regarding cheering as a sport and wanting to be seen that way. Cheering has never been viewed as a sport before. When we wore sweaters and skirts to the knees....not a sport. When we wore fly away skirts and turtle necks....not a sport. When we shortened the skirt and wore full length tops....not a sport. Crop tops and short skirts......more recognition but still not a sport. I am in no way saying that we need to wear less clothes in order to be seen as a sport however when we covered everything from head to toe we still weren't seen as a sport either. I guess my point is I don't think the uniform is the main issue with us being seen as a sport or not, nor do I feel Top Gun set us back because of this. As a matter of fact I believe is was said pages back that no one really saw them unless you saw them on the floor because the girls walked around the arena in Warm-ups. Not knocking anyone or saying anyone else's opinion is wrong. Just stating my own.
They all look like you!
i look better. and i have a flat chest...sorta...if i ever wore a top like that it would stay on like duct tape

wait...anyone remember in the movie Dodgeball, when they got new unis, but they were the wrong ones, so they got the most awkward clap for their black biker leather unis? i feel like these unis got the same awkward clap
It was stated before the uniforms with malfunctions will be fixed to avoid the "close encounters" again. The uniforms look pretty dang athletic to me, you can see how tone and fit the girls are. Also, I am going to look at the uniform from the opposite end of the spectrum regarding cheering as a sport and wanting to be seen that way. Cheering has never been viewed as a sport before. When we wore sweaters and skirts to the knees....not a sport. When we wore fly away skirts and turtle necks....not a sport. When we shortened the skirt and wore full length tops....not a sport. Crop tops and short skirts......more recognition but still not a sport. I am in no way saying that we need to wear less clothes in order to be seen as a sport however when we covered everything from head to toe we still weren't seen as a sport either. I guess my point is I don't think the uniform is the main issue with us being seen as a sport or not, nor do I feel Top Gun set us back because of this. As a matter of fact I believe is was said pages back that no one really saw them unless you saw them on the floor because the girls walked around the arena in Warm-ups. Not knocking anyone or saying anyone else's opinion is wrong. Just stating my own.
I'd be wearing a warm-up all the time in a uni that...revealing. Minus Dallas it's still pretty wintery for most of the country this time of year! Heck, even in a knee-length skirt I'm freezing!

And, silly Matty don't you know? Uniforms are getting shorter because of global warming..there's some oft used photo of underwear to explain that point, but I won't know how to update it. Hint: google images, type in underwear global warming. I think it pretty much explains itself!
I did post before I saw that the unis would be adjusted before competing again. But just a question...WHO in their right mind puts a team in tube tops without doing a couple dress rehearsals first???

And I'm sorry...but if calling the uniforms trashy was wrong, then saying that people who don't flop their nipples out during a routine have "sub par choreography" was also a completely unnecessary low blow. But I notice that went by "unscolded"
Since this was directed at me I'll reply. As others have said I'd hardly call it stalking. I was barely even interested until I saw all the ridiculousness on this thread. And all the backlash that if we didn't like the uniform it was because we are stuffy, hating, have, and I quote, "sub par choreography", etc. So you bet your exposed breast I looked for something to support my claims that the uni was what I think of as inappropriate. If nothing else it'd be nice if ONE person would take a look at all those shots of DIFFERENT girls tugging up their tops and admit it was at least a bad judgment call.

Incorrect, I did not single any particular program out...I made a generalization. I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion I just used for example how there are several teams on and off the boards with several elements of either their routine or program that I don't care for...but how we express our distaste is where we differ.
I'd be wearing a warm-up all the time in a uni that...revealing. Minus Dallas it's still pretty wintery for most of the country this time of year! Heck, even in a knee-length skirt I'm freezing!

And, silly Matty don't you know? Uniforms are getting shorter because of global warming..there's some oft used photo of underwear to explain that point, but I won't know how to update it. Hint: google images, type in underwear global warming. I think it pretty much explains itself!

Thank you for making my evening. I died a little laughing at the Global Warming=Shorter Uniforms comment.
Incorrect, I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion I just used for example how there are several teams on and off the boards with several elements of either their routine or program that I don't care for...but how we express our distaste is where we differ.

For what its worth, if you read back through I never said anything until the TG side started throwing around ugliness. I don't care for the uni, but there are a LOT of unis I don't like. I usually only comment when I DO like.
Why wouldn't those shoe thingys be considered jewelry? Like if one falls off, trip, fall, stunt sequence DOWN! Loss of grip on the ankle (which may not matter cause of coed stunting). Ex: Cali got deductions for one girl having something around her ankle, why wouldn't this be considered some type of "jewelry" infraction?
Why wouldn't those shoe thingys be considered jewelry? Like if one falls off, trip, fall, stunt sequence DOWN! Loss of grip on the ankle (which may not matter cause of coed stunting). Ex: Cali got deductions for one girl having something around her ankle, why wouldn't this be considered some type of "jewelry" infraction?
This is a good point. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see them banned in the next few seasons. (And I would probably support it. Could you imagine trying to backspot with that? What if your finger got caught in it when she went to double?)
Just-A-Mom: I don't recall anyone from our side "throwing around ugliness" and if you were referring to my earlier post my intentions were to state that there are plenty of elements (uniforms, choreography, policies etc.) utilized by programs throughout the country that I don't like, find tacky, think to be rude etc. but instead of voicing negative opinions in that manner I keep it moving and just choose not to dwell or reflect on it. The reason I chose to use such a negative word like "Tacky" is because I wanted the people who were throwing around "Trashy" and "Slutty" to know what having a word like that thrown at them felt like. If you were not at fault for that then please don't take it as such, especially since you and I both seem to be from "keep it moving" side of things, lol.

And the boots are not jewelry or illegal accessories b/c they are worn and made of fabric.