All-Star Top Gun Uniform Discussion

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The uniforms will not be in my previous post this was our first time out in the uniforms and they will be altered to fit correctly without any "malfunctions" at future competitions. At the end of the day if you hate it that much there are always options at the competition...maybe a snack break?

I really don't mean this to come off as rude, but could you not have done a few dry runs in the uniforms prior to such a large competition? Aside from gluing them to their chests, as a woman I don't see how you're going to be able to pull that off. Maybe you will idk, but why are you willing to take that chance again when you have such a talented team? Wouldn't you rather be known for your skills, routines, etc..than the team w/the superbowl wardrobe malfunctions at every comp? It's detracting from your athletes' talents. Let's pretend for a second that everyone loved the unis, but it was obvious after the comp. that there were pictures of young girls/women w/bare breasts exposed and constant problems w/tugging on the top to keep it in place, how could not understand how your design maybe wasn't meant for these type of athletic performances?

You know what else? I kinda really think your last comment sucks.....why? Because did it ever dawn on you that we love watching your team perform bc they are talented, but aren't thrilled about the fact our young CP's, etc. are subject to breast/nipple exposure just bc you can't accept that maybe this one time, your uniform isn't highlighting your team for the right reasons??!!
This is a good point. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see them banned in the next few seasons. (And I would probably support it. Could you imagine trying to backspot with that? What if your finger got caught in it when she went to double?)
they do look like ankle braces, so maybe they could all get ankle braces together if their feet/booty things get banned? i agree, idk why you would want that much stuff on your feet, i feel so restricted even with a light ankle brace.
I have a question about the shoe covers. How do they attach? Is there a stirrup that goes under the sole of the shoe?
My only question is, if these uniforms had never been worn before, then why was the other uniform not brought with them to Dallas? If it was brought with them to Dallas WHY was it not worn on day 2? I don't care how comfortable the girls are in the uniforms, does that make them appropriate to be on the mat? Ok so it is very acceptable in Miami to wear things like that, well guess what that competition wasn't in Miami it was in Dallas, TX where I can go out on a limb here and say that isn't super acceptable attire.

I respect Top Gun as a program, but the line has been crossed. Sure they will be worked on so they fit more properly, but if you have a larger chest no matter how good it fits during a cheer routine that top will have issues.

If they can't walk around the venue in these uniforms without having a warm up on then to me that is a problem.
My only question is, if these uniforms had never been worn before, then why was the other uniform not brought with them to Dallas? If it was brought with them to Dallas WHY was it not worn on day 2?

After seeing the team's performance on Day 1, and seeing all of the girls tugging at their tops and the arm straps, I don't understand why they didn't wear a different uniform for Day 2. Even if they didn't bring a different uniform, they could have worn their practice uniform. As a coach, I would rather my team compete in shorts and a sports bra (even if they are mismatched) than to lose points for all of the unchoreographed tugging and pulling. There had to have been comments about it on the Day 1 score sheets.
Just-A-Mom: I don't recall anyone from our side "throwing around ugliness" and if you were referring to my earlier post my intentions were to state that there are plenty of elements (uniforms, choreography, policies etc.) utilized by programs throughout the country that I don't like, find tacky, think to be rude etc. but instead of voicing negative opinions in that manner I keep it moving and just choose not to dwell or reflect on it. The reason I chose to use such a negative word like "Tacky" is because I wanted the people who were throwing around "Trashy" and "Slutty" to know what having a word like that thrown at them felt like. If you were not at fault for that then please don't take it as such, especially since you and I both seem to be from "keep it moving" side of things, lol.

And the boots are not jewelry or illegal accessories b/c they are worn and made of fabric.

Didn't TG wear some other kind of plastic/vinyl boot last year at worlds? I just remember some white uniforms with a little yellow and black in them, and they had a little more fabric than this years!
It was stated before the uniforms with malfunctions will be fixed to avoid the "close encounters" again. The uniforms look pretty dang athletic to me, you can see how tone and fit the girls are. Also, I am going to look at the uniform from the opposite end of the spectrum regarding cheering as a sport and wanting to be seen that way. Cheering has never been viewed as a sport before. When we wore sweaters and skirts to the knees....not a sport. When we wore fly away skirts and turtle necks....not a sport. When we shortened the skirt and wore full length tops....not a sport. Crop tops and short skirts......more recognition but still not a sport. I am in no way saying that we need to wear less clothes in order to be seen as a sport however when we covered everything from head to toe we still weren't seen as a sport either. I guess my point is I don't think the uniform is the main issue with us being seen as a sport or not, nor do I feel Top Gun set us back because of this. As a matter of fact I believe is was said pages back that no one really saw them unless you saw them on the floor because the girls walked around the arena in Warm-ups. Not knocking anyone or saying anyone else's opinion is wrong. Just stating my own.

Just because the girls wearing them are fit and athletics (and by all means they certainly are - way more than I am), doesn't mean that the uniforms they're wearing are athletic. They're not, they look like bathing suits. And I don't know about you, but when I wear a bandeau top bathing suit I hold on to it when I jump into the water or a pool, I couldn't even imagine competing in it.

As for your second argument - none of the changes to the uniforms we as a sport have ever made have been an attempt to get cheerleading recognized as a sport. I'm not even sure what you're arguing. If making our uniforms skimpier hasn't helped then neither will making them less revealing? Is that your argument? The only people I know who have attempted to turn cheerleading uniforms into something athletic and legitimate that will help to improve our image is NCATA and STUNT. Otherwise, our uniforms act as nothing more than costumes.

And as for uniforms mattering or not mattering - I don't really think they do. I think we try and one up our opponents off the mat with flashier uniforms, but I don't really think they make or break anyones scores. I've seen some kick booty Open teams blow everyone else out of the water wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
I hope someone on TG is contacting Action Moments to have those photos removed. Pictures on the internet are forever, as so many young people have learned the hard way! These wonderful athletes do not need to be remembered for wardrobe malfunctions.
There are lots of issues to be fixed in the sport of cheerleading as a whole. I am amused that this thread is getting so much attention.
Didn't TG wear some other kind of plastic/vinyl boot last year at worlds? I just remember some white uniforms with a little yellow and black in them, and they had a little more fabric than this years!
if i can remember correctly, those were just tube socks.
famousmatty said:
Absolutely not, but are they an Epic Fail like some of you are making them out to be?

I don't think they're an epic fail, however- when we need to be concerned about "wardrobe malfunctions" and "nip slips" in cheerleading, I think there's a discussion to be had.. Miami style, or not, like it's been said 100 times on this board- there are LITTLE girls involved in this sport. Unique and crazy uniform, fine- it's the teams choice. BUT, accidental nudity and excessive cleavage in the routine? That might be something to look into.
I respect TG as a team, however I am not respecting those uniforms. Little girls and boys look up to Top Gun teams and kids try to catch TG performing anywhere they can however Im not quite sure I would allow my child to go see a TG team with these uniforms. I wouldnt want my kid being like "Hey mom I want to wear a uniform like that" and I wouldnt want my child asking "Mom whats that?" when they see a wardrobe malfunction. I also think that those uniforms just make it easier for Sexual Predators online to steal the pictures. I know I saw another thread where there is a thing about online safety. However if you are just searching around you can find these pictures. Im not a fan.

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