sometimes you have to tumble through the fear. ive had a tumbling block for 7 years, and trust me its hard. but im now front tumbling consistently again but im scared every time i throw, even though i know there is no reason to be. sometimes you just have to commit and make yourself go.
set goals for yourself, and start them small. so maybe its 5 times in a row on tumble track with someone standing there. then 5 times with them further away, and so on. you have to get yourself to tumble SOMEWHERE. like ill throw on tumble track into the pit for standing backs, but not onto the mat, so now im working onto the mat without a spot because i can do it with one.
dont stress. i know its frustrating, trust me, I KNOW. but getting stressed and worked up about it isnt going to help anything. relax and dont put pressure on yourself, sometimes just tumbling for fun again helps.
But at the same time that your not putting pressure on yourself, sometimes coaches putting pressure on you helps. like i used to need to be yelled at to throw, or at least one of them to say "go" or "throw" as im starting my pass. i still do sometimes. but usually im fine, but i need him to be watching me. also, if you put it to counts it helps a lot. start on a 5 go on 1 or whatever, and for me it help if someone else aka my coach counts because if im counting in my head i can start over, but he gets mad when he has to start over so im more likely to throw because of the pressure.
and lastly, DONT BAIL. thats how you get hurt. once you start, you need to finish because more then likely, your going to land, if not youll maybe land on your knees, no big deal!