First off, the lack of reading comprehension you all have shown is astounding. If you actually took a second to read my words carefully, you would understand why I feel all of these replies are so asinine.
Allow me to elaborate....
My first point was that you will not get denied admittance into grad school for having a vine where you are twerking. Are you guys still with me? None of you even commented on this part of my post. We're talking about grad school, not getting a job in the big scary real world. Admittance into grad school is determined purely off of merit, grades, gpa etc.... But David, how do you know this? I have been admitted into grad school and successfully obtained my Master's Degree. Throughout my time in grad school I guess I spoke to, oh I don't know, a couple of professors (this is called sarcasm are you still with me?). I know what they look for and I know how they choose people. They want the department to look dignified on paper so they would never turned down a talented writer, with an outstanding gpa, who would write a great thesis, and maybe maybe even graduate with honors just because she danced and someone video taped it.
Now, onto the second part of my original post where most of you seem to have read with your eyes closed. I said, "What you do in your personal life IS and ALWAYS should be separate from you work life. They are two completely different things." They key word is should. I say should because unfortunately, I know it is not kept separate. This is called an opinion folks. This is how I feel about the situation. I think everyone has the right to as much privacy as they desire and as long as nothing they are doing effects their work, so be it. I never said this is fact. I am well aware companies sift through Facebook pages and Instagram accounts. It happens on the daily and there have been numerous articles and disputes on the subject. I hope you read this slower than my last post, and I hope this cleared some things up.