All-Star Uca Nationals Orlando

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Ice Queen said:
Your welcome!
Just trying as we all are to keep the information on the board fierce and accurate. :)

Accuracy is always welcome around here.
On a completely unrelated point - I was so disappointed in the audience at UCA and I presume I would mainly be talking about parents. I have NEVER seen so much trash left in the seating area before. There were drink containers, napkins, drink carriers, plates, etc left all under the chairs. Come on people, I think we were all taught to clean up after ourselves.
I literally had to walk down an entire row of seats because I had to find a seat that wasn't surrounded by trash, it was disgusting.
UCA wasn't only about bids and level 5.. Brandon All Stars Small Junior 4 won yet another Nationals Jacket!!! Good Job Ladies!!! Bringing their jacket count this season to at least 4: States, Cheersport, NCA, and UCA! the coveted trifecta of Cheersport, NCA, and UCA is really a great accomplishment for this young champs!
I'm not trying to start anything about all this bid talk, but the owners of UCA did call the owner of Orlando All-stars and say they apologized for how the rules read and they had all their officials watch the Angels on Sunday and they all agreed that a full paid bid should have been given to them. But there was no way to go around the rules and they said they all had no way of going around it. I'm not trying to take anything away from the teams that got the bids because they were all very good but UCA did try and figure out a way to give Orlando the bid

i know for a fact that "Maddy13" has no affiliation with Orlando Allstars. So for you to make a very bold statement about UCA and in bad taste of orlando is a bit ridiculous. Thats the problem with this whole fierce board deal.. it gives fans/spectators/followers/parents the opportunity to lie about things just like this. UCA gave out bids based on their rules. i think its safe to say that every one knows that. I think it could benefit everyone who isn't directly affiliated with a gym/program to think about whether what they are posting on the boards has a negative or positive outcome on the gym they are discussing! If its not positive, keep it to yourself! It's all about the kids!!
On a completely unrelated point - I was so disappointed in the audience at UCA and I presume I would mainly be talking about parents. I have NEVER seen so much trash left in the seating area before. There were drink containers, napkins, drink carriers, plates, etc left all under the chairs. Come on people, I think we were all taught to clean up after ourselves.

I am so glad you said this! I am always appalled at Cheersport...well, pretty much every competiton...the spectator seating gets soooo nasty. You have to feel the chairs for spilled drinks before you can sit down, people leave food on the chairs, floor, just everywhere. And, there are trash cans at the end of every aisle!! This has bugged me for years. I just try to make the effort to clean after myself, and hope that others will follow suit.
On a completely unrelated point - I was so disappointed in the audience at UCA and I presume I would mainly be talking about parents. I have NEVER seen so much trash left in the seating area before. There were drink containers, napkins, drink carriers, plates, etc left all under the chairs. Come on people, I think we were all taught to clean up after ourselves.

Argh. Got the nasty error, and posted again...sorry!!
I'm sorry to report a bit of bad sportsmanship. When they called the top three teams from International Open Coed 5 up to the stage for awards, several members of Brandon Steel felt the need to hog the stage and stand right in front of the second place team. It wasn't possible to get a nice photo of all three teams and this cheer mom was really disappointed. CIA was ecstatic with their second place finish and deserved a small spot in the limelight. Brandon Steel is an amazing team and they more than deserved their full paid bid, but a little humility might be in order. Just sayin'.

Just to clarify...we were told where to stand and there were plenty of UCA staffers up there guiding everyone to where they needed/wanted us...not sure why if someone wanted a picture they couldnt have asked people to move? I'm not sure we can be bad sports about something when we talked with and congratulated CIA not only in warmups but also when we were on the awards floor together...i guess this is a lesson of perspective is more important than reality? sorry if there was any misunderstanding we simply went where we were told. Good luck the rest of this season if y'all have more competitions it was great meeting and competing with your gym!
I'm sorry to report a bit of bad sportsmanship. When they called the top three teams from International Open Coed 5 up to the stage for awards, several members of Brandon Steel felt the need to hog the stage and stand right in front of the second place team. It wasn't possible to get a nice photo of all three teams and this cheer mom was really disappointed. CIA was ecstatic with their second place finish and deserved a small spot in the limelight. Brandon Steel is an amazing team and they more than deserved their full paid bid, but a little humility might be in order. Just sayin'.
Are you serious?!?! That is the most horrible thing ever! How in the world could a person have the audacity to stand in front of your team blocking your photo op?!?!? This is absolutely intolerable and inexcusable!!!

You should post your feelings about Brandon Steel on a message board telling the world about their unsportsmanlike conduct. That shows way more class than an athlete unknowingly standing in front of your CP, right?!?
I am locking this thread.

Sheesh people. When did a UCA comp become the new Large Senior 5 hotbed of argument.

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