1. Scoring Transparency. This is utterly ridiculous. If you refuse to stand behind your scores, it is not a sport. It is a performance.
2. Separate judging from the EP's and make an independent judging body. EP has to contact judging body for judges, not just reaching out to their friends who are judges. Independent judging body trains, rates, reviews judges. They also can deal with complaints on judges and act accordingly for more training or discipline. We need to eliminate this East Coast judges like this but West Coast judges want to see this. (yes we have been told this several times at several events during score reviews) If not, we should know who is on the judging panel 2 weeks before competitions so we can adjust routines accordingly if we desire.
3. D1 or D2. Not both.
4. While I would like to see a minimum score to be eligible for Worlds bids, I can see the issues with it as well including a low scoring panel, and to be honest more bids means more money. If #2 is enacted and judges are trained properly, that should be eliminated in time. Kinda hard to say don't offer something that makes you mad money with gyms chasing after bids.
5. I would like to see a mandate rule like we have in Power Tumbling. if you place 1st at nationals out of a certain amount of athletes, you are mandated to move up to the next level. If 2 - 3 and you have certain amount of athletes you are mandated to move up. You get a perfect score, you move up. Basically it prevents sandbagging an athlete at an easier level just to win every year.
This could be applied in this manner - if you place first two years in a row in D2, your program moves up to D1. That is not luck. That is skill and you are proving you have maxed that competitive environment multiple times. You could extend it to top 3 placements in 3 year time span. While not perfect, it does address the D1 complaint of they want more competitors instead of seeing the same faces every time and it does not let really good gyms hide forever in D2. It also allows new blood to filter into top spots in D2. You can even have a graduation to D1 celebration sponsored by Varsity.
I understand more than anyone because of our own demographic how different your teams can be from year to year in make up, skill level, intensity, etc. With a military base 15 minutes from us and being in Illinois where they can not do School cheer and All Stars at the same time, we lose numerous kids each year due to circumstances we have absolutely zero control over. Eliminate those issues and we could easily be D1 and have two - three Worlds division teams. In my mind and taking the true intention of D2 from the many years it was discussed prior to something being instituted, that would return it to it's true intention. Letting smaller gyms grow their program until they were truly competitive with D1 gyms. It was more than just a numbers issue. It was recognizing the difference between competing and being competitive.