USASF is a complete joke.
Change the age grid, then change it back. Even though it was less than a month later, some people had tryouts in that time. Which power-gym wanted it changed back, and why?
No transparency in scoring. Does Live! Still exist? That was how competitions should be ran. Do your routine and go sit in the winners circle like Secretariat until someone comes along and outscores you.
Get rid of that damn 18-page rubric. There's been less documentation on Benghazi. In the meantime, if a category is worth 5 points, make it worth 5 points. If you're going to automatically score everyone between a 4 and a 5, then make the friggin' thing worth 1 point.
Age floors should be a real thing. 18-year old males shuttle launching 11 year old
Females in baskets is a safety issue... not to mention it makes the males look like total pansies, no matter how high they throw her (yea, we can all tell how old she is from the crowd).
Enforce the rules all year long. If Worlds and the Summit have rules about organized entries and over celebrations, enforce that poop in October. If Worlds and the Summit have rules about out of bounds, then I should get a deduction for stepping off the mat at Christmas. If you're not going to enforce it, take if out.
I'm sure I have more. I'm exausted