A 501c6 is different than a 501c3. IDK the direct differences but they arent quite the same thing.
It is hard to ask me to speculate on something where IDK every detail. Operating costs can go up dramatically. Unless there is a full release of records I am not quite sure if I could think it is anything.
Ok, gotcha on the first part.
Well the link I posted doesn't break every single thing down, but it does say that's the net profit and in a different section it posts the operating expenses, so I assumed that's the actual profit.
USASF Finances ending in December 2011
Membership Dues $471,781.24
Services (regional mtgs, coaches' conference, credentialing) $ 457,237.27
Sponsorship $81,860.73
Income from World Championship $444,820.04
TOTAL $1,455,699.28
Member Program Expenses $613,811.96
Member Specific Services (IT, NACCC, Regional Mtgs) $439,327.61
Administrative $209,713.14
Total Operating Expenses $1,262,852.71
Overage $192,846.57
Debt Paydown $(150,112.00)
Less: increase to prepaids/AR $(40,014.00)
Plus: increase in AP/customer's deposits $49,955.00
Less: fixed asset purchase (net of depreciation) $(137,899.00)
Net decrease to cash $(85,223.43)
Add Back: cash on hand at 12/31/10 $151,391.00
Cash on hand at 12/31/11 $66,167.57
USASF Finances ending in December 2010
Membership Dues $332,811
Services (regional mtgs, coaches' conference, credentialing) $336,396
Sponsorship $87,815
Income from World Championship $665,070
TOTAL $1,422,091
Member Program Expenses $527,812
Member Specific Services (IT, NACCC, Regional Mtgs) $328,428
Administrative $172,085
Total Operating Expenses $1,028,325
Overage $393,766
Debt Paydown $(287,808.00)
Less: increase to prepaids/AR $(80,281.00)
Plus: increase in AP/customer's deposits $116,700.00
Less: fixed asset purchase (net of depreciation) $(42,253.00)
Net decrease in cash $100,124
Add Back: cash on hand at 12/31/09 $51,267.56
Ok so correction, I guess that means Worlds would have earned less in 2010 than in 2009.