I just thought I'd reiterate that I lost my job so this matters sooooooooooooooo much less to me now than when the thread was started, but i'll reply again anyway.
Yes, I did tell the gym I was leaving for financial reasons. Yes, I was struggling financially...but I could have possibly made it work if I thought I should. But up to that point all I'd seen was my money going down the drain. I had yet to receive anything I paid for (practice wear anyone? Yeah...I STILL don't have that) and every time I turned around I was seeing bad signs and hearing rumors. No way no how was I going to practically kill myself for something I knew was going to be a disaster. And this is not a shot at you Cheer-ful Mom - I've always liked you and I know you were probably one of the only reasons they've made it this far. I just saw the signs and headed for the hills ASAP. Truthfully the few people I tried to say anything to just brushed me off as "trying to start drama" so I shrugged and thought "Ha...that's gonna be funny when that hits the fan" :rolleyes:
As for not listening to gossip? I. LISTEN. And I listen HARD. I find that generally if you hear something from many people, many times, it usually turns out to be true.
Lastly...I'm sort of torn on this. I've thought about it and I can see where some of these Level 5 people may have not seen anything. Because I will tell you what - this gym wrote the book on catering to Level 5 and senior teams in general. My daughter was on the ONLY team in the gym that wasn't Level 5 or a Senior team, and you want to talk about a team that got shafted left and right? So maybe that's why I saw it sooner. And I dare anyone on here to say that team wasn't treated like a throwaway team - all you gotta do is look at the videos from the first comp. So maybe us Youth moms saw it sooner because we experienced it sooner. I don't know. But hopefully in the future y'all will listen to rumors and hear the LOUD warnings. :(
I did see how that team was treated and it was sad. You were right in doing what you did. I can tell you as of today that team is back to being a jr 2 team and a couple of the level 5 boys are now on it as well as other senior girls. most all athletes are now triple teaming to maintain the same number of teams. Hopefully these kids that will be completely exhausted trying to do 3 routines in a row at comps do not get injured.