Santa was good to me too, almost as good as heyimA.
-BCBG dress x2, sweater x3 and shirt x4.
-Marc Jacobs bag
-David Yurman bracelet
-Sorority clothes!!
-Chanel sunglasses
-iPhone IOU (when it hopefully comes to Verizon in Jan.)
-New phone case (mine was highlighter yellow so as that I could find it, and I think my brother was trying to tell me something)
-Giftcards and money for school
-Tickets (that I had my some of the guys on the team get for me) to Alabama's bowl game wrapped from "Nick Saban" aka "Mom" HAHA
-Zac Brown Band CD
-Some things from Victoria Secret
-3 pairs of my favorite socks with lotion in them!!
And my whole family is going to our house at Sailfish Point, Miami and Orlando on Wednesday!!
That about sees me out I think. I am sooo extremely blessed for the life my parents have provided me with, but even more blessed for the love they give me! I am working hard at school so as that one day, if I'm fortunate enough to have kids, I can be able to provide the same amazing life for my them!! Merry Christmas y'all :D