I'm probably going to get my throat cut for this, but oh well. Remember, just my opinion.
I would hate to see an Open 4 division. We (and by we I mean cheerleading in general) can't keep adding all of these divisions to accomodate everyone (4.2, open 5). Not everyone was meant to be a level 4 or 5 cheerleader, not everyone will get the chance to go to worlds.
I understand the idea behind some of these, progression, a good division for school cheerleaders (4.2). But to me, it's just going to far. I was NOT a fan of 4.2, at all, open 5 I could handle it makes the most sense out of "these" divisions to me, but open 4? That just does not even sound right. If we ever want cheerleading to be taken seriously, constatly adding all of these new divisions to accomadate people/gyms is not going to help.
All star cheer is great, I get the idea that everyone who wants to cheer should have the opportunity too. But constantly adding "sub-divisions" is a little... obnoxious.
If open 5 or 6 is not a good fit for some after they age out, exhibition? If it's all about just getting to have fun. Or maybe move on? Coach? Stalk?... Someone will always be left out, but that's just the way life is, you can't please everybody.