All-Star Wild Card Performance Order Is Out For Summit

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Honestly, I'm not sure the cheerleaders, parents or powers at be really want cheerleading as a sport. I'm not saying this to strike up controversy but, if people really wanted cheerleading to be a sport, they would start heading it towards a more collegiate style, not necessarily with the actual cheer but, with skills, technique, cleanliness, and athletic appearance. They would be making a score sheet that is less subjective, not more. All Star, more and more IMO, is heading towards the dance category in terms of creativity, the make up, the hair, the bling, the glitter, the uniforms and less towards an objective score sheet. I am thoroughly entertained by both styles of cheer, however, I do believe AS is hitting the proverbial fork in the road and there is a behind the scenes tug of war as to which way it is going to go.

I totally get this! I understand wanting the experience---what I don't get is why not model it more like World's, screw WC, and add more at-large and paids so that teams can still go without this one day; first place only fiasco.

Varsity could fix this very easily, go to any two day competition win and your in. Make a win worth 20 points 2nd place worth 15 3rd worth 10. You need to earn 20 pts in a season to go. Make one day comps be the wild card route but you need 2 wins to get in as wild card.
One of the National Sales Directors for Varsity posted it on the ASGA page @Bella's mom and @IACheerMom

Just for clarification, it is posted there that the top 3 in J3 Wildcard division move on? I am fine with that and think it's fair, division is super large, but shouldn't 12 move on then maybe instead of 10 to day 2? Just a thought.
Varsity could fix this very easily, go to any two day competition win and your in. Make a win worth 20 points 2nd place worth 15 3rd worth 10. You need to earn 20 pts in a season to go. Make one day comps be the wild card route but you need 2 wins to get in as wild card.

Exactly. Anything is better than this WC thing they have going now. Thankfully CP's gym is an hour from Orlando so bid type isn't as important to me as it was when she first got into the sport---but I can't imagine traveling from all over the country just to get eliminate in the WC round. Though I think a handful or two of gyms need to stop going to World's to get eliminated in the first day too; at least more than one team moves on.
Exactly. Anything is better than this WC thing they have going now. Thankfully CP's gym is an hour from Orlando so bid type isn't as important to me as it was when she first got into the sport---but I can't imagine traveling from all over the country just to get eliminate in the WC round. Though I think a handful or two of gyms need to stop going to World's to get eliminated in the first day too; at least more than one team moves on.

You're an hour from Summit, you should come watch. It may change your mind a little bit and see, one thing we lose sight of when we all arrive, how hard it was to even get there at all period. Truly awesome teams, every single one of them.
You're an hour from Summit, you should come watch. It may change your mind a little bit and see, one thing we lose sight of when we all arrive, how hard it was to even get there at all period. Truly awesome teams, every single one of them.

Now this is a great post! Thanks so much for saying that- you are 100% correct!
Just for clarification, it is posted there that the top 3 in J3 Wildcard division move on? I am fine with that and think it's fair, division is super large, but shouldn't 12 move on then maybe instead of 10 to day 2? Just a thought.
Good point. That was not mentioned in the post that she clarified the 3 moving out of Wild Cards, I would have your coach contact and ask. =)
You're an hour from Summit, you should come watch. It may change your mind a little bit and see, one thing we lose sight of when we all arrive, how hard it was to even get there at all period. Truly awesome teams, every single one of them.

I am going actually; CP wants to support her gym's teams that will be there.

And I'm not discounting the skill, time, and effort of the teams who got there---it is not an easy thing to do and I know that by watching how hard it was for CP's gym to qualify teams. What I dislike is the business aspect behind Wild Card bids; nothing is going to change my negative opinion of Varsity on this one.

And I do realize I didn't do the best at articulating that in my original post---which was not shade at the WC teams who are going, it was meant to throw shade at the company that made WC a possibility.
Are these wildcard teams paying same fees as at large teams?? Seems like a lot of money to fork out for a very small chance of actually making it into the Summit.
Are these wildcard teams paying same fees as at large teams?? Seems like a lot of money to fork out for a very small chance of actually making it into the Summit.
It's no different than a team going to Worlds on an at large
I guess I missed the memo that youth 1-4 was not eligible for wildcards. Odd.
Good luck to all of the teams going!!
It's no different than a team going to Worlds on an at large
I guess I missed the memo that youth 1-4 was not eligible for wildcards. Odd.
Good luck to all of the teams going!!

But going to worlds on an at-large would be the same as a team going to the summit on an at-large. So going on a wildcard, which is a play-in to the at-large round, is in fact different.
But going to worlds on an at-large would be the same as a team going to the summit on an at-large. So going on a wildcard, which is a play-in to the at-large round, is in fact different.
Not true. Unless you are in large senior or large coed, if you go to Worlds on an at large, you compete in Prelims and only the top 10 (20 in small division) advance to Semi-Finals, so the majority of teams with at large bids - particularly the small all girl and small coed, compete just once at Worlds. Just like the Summit Wildcard, the at large teams compete 3 times if they make finals. The only difference is more teams advance from Prelims to Semi Finals at Worlds than teams do from Wildcard to semi finals at Summit.
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Thats my gym I coach at the only SS5 gym on the performance order Primetime All Stars !
So what happens then if their the only team ?
Not true. Unless you are in large senior or large coed, if you go to Worlds on an at large, you compete in Prelims and only the top 10 advance to Semi-Finals, so the majority of teams with at large bids (particularly the small all girl and small coed, compete just once at Worlds). Just like the Summit Wildcard, the at large teams compete 3 times if they make finals. The only difference is more teams advance from Prelims to Semi Finals at Worlds than teams do from Wildcard to semi finals at Summit.

But that's my point. It's not considered "prelims" for wildcard teams like it is for worlds. Maybe if the verbage was different so it sounded more important. 10 teams sounds a lot better than 1 team, and a lot of those divisions are split into A and B at worlds so really it's 20 teams in the deeper divisions. I have no problem with teams going for a wildcard, it just seems like a lot of money to spend, especially when all we do is complain about how expensive our sport is and how these kids get burned out before they even get to high school. I would just like to see them charge less for wildcard entry and maybe charge them if they make it to Saturday. I feel it would help parents feel better about spending thousands of dollars on their 7 year-old to feel they might've saved a hundred dollars or so if their child's team ended up being "one and done"

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