But that's my point. It's not considered "prelims" for wildcard teams like it is for worlds. Maybe if the verbage was different so it sounded more important. 10 teams sounds a lot better than 1 team, and a lot of those divisions are split into A and B at worlds so really it's 20 teams in the deeper divisions. I have no problem with teams going for a wildcard, it just seems like a lot of money to spend, especially when all we do is complain about how expensive our sport is and how these kids get burned out before they even get to high school. I would just like to see them charge less for wildcard entry and maybe charge them if they make it to Saturday. I feel it would help parents feel better about spending thousands of dollars on their 7 year-old to feel they might've saved a hundred dollars or so if their child's team ended up being "one and done"