OT You know you're a cheerleader when...

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Hahaha I pretend to tumble down the grocery aisles... My mom yells at me all the time

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I do that all the timeee! And im ALWAYS randomly doing cheer extremes jump thing where step back and snap (Im sure you know what I talking about(: ) from last year. Like ill be laying on the couch watching American Idol with my parents and just start doing it and theyre just like: Omg, put your arm down! hahah(:
I do that, except instead of a high V, I do a heel stretch.

Okay, my list:

if you drink water to 8 counts at practice.
when you open the fridge and look at the bottom, and you automatically do an arabesque or needle instead of just bending.
when you spend a solid hour stretching my scorpion to cheer music.
when your youtube suggestions are ALL cheerleading related.
when you wait for something in the microwave by doing 360's and stunt sequences in front of it.

I definitely do cheer moves in the car and almost cause accidents. my boyfriend is sick of listening to cheer music. I know the words to songs on the radio because they're in other team's music. lol

Oh my gosh. Story of my life about the fridge and microwave. Hahahaha.
- When your non-cheer friend asks for you to play music, and you go to cheerlibrary.com and their like: "NOOO, not cheer music!"
- You sit in your desk at school and you have cheer music stuck in your head, then counts, then the arm movements come along... story of my life.
- When someone does Cow-a-bunga (however you spell it) with their hands, and your like yeahh man! Lets go rays!
- You have to explain to people why you are so tired at school is because you were on Fierce Board all night.
- You hear part of a song thats in someones cheer music, and you start shouting the voiceovers. haha
- World Cup is not just soccer anymore, fellas.
- People get confused when you wear another teams shirt to school, then they laugh because they think your crazy.
- Example ^^ I wore a cheer extreme shirt yesterday, got so many questions... :p
- Half the songs on your Ipod are cheer songs, and your non-cheer friend wants to listen too it: "What the heck is Top Gun unlimited 2010?!"
- When you have counts stuck in your head.
- When your taking a multiple choice test and 3 answers in a row make: CEA , and you smile and get senior elites music stuck in your head ... happened to me today during a math assement.
- A story: I showed my non-cheer friend 2by2's video of Cea Erica happy birthday 2011, cause I wanted to show the how funny the part when Erica and Juliet are doing 360 ball up tick tocks on the floor and Maddie is like: "wannabes!" And there like : Ha... *turns head* WHAT THE HECK?!?
- Non-cheer friends think your weird because you know names of people on other teams that you have never met before..
Ok, im done! haha, I really love this thread! :D
...you get all excited while you're watching Michael Jackson's This is It and the big sign on the stage says "J5!"
When you update your facebook status 16 times during worlds weekend.
when you bawl your eyes out when senior elite drops their 360.
when you throw your iphone across the room when you find out spirit of texas didn't win, and don't bother to check if it's cracked because you're only worried about cheerleading.
when you're a little worried to go back to the gym after neither of your worlds teams globed.
When you see that world cup shootin g stars hit, you start screaming, crying, jumping up and down and then tumbling:)
1. when have bows on ur school backpack(:
2. your wardrobe consists of: your team shirts, other teams shirts, soffes, cheer jackets, nfinities, and some jeans and jean shorts
3.you dont have posters of movie stars and singers you have posters of team logos, worlds rings, bows, cheerlebrites, etc.
4.your everyday makeup is covered in ur glitter competition makeup so veryday u look like u had a comp the day b4:P
5. u do all of ur school reports on something cheer related
6. you do standing backs in ur 2nd story classroom(;
7. u make bows in ur spare time and live off of fabric store gift cards:P
8. ur at ur gym even when ur in ur 2 weeks of off season:P
9. u go to the gym during the season even when u dont have practice, tumbling classes, etc just to hang out from 4-930(:
10. u have to get an extension on ur freshman research paper cuz u have practice everyday to prepare for worlds and have no time to write it:P (although ive been back for almost a week and still havent written it)
11. ur the girl who can run faster, do more situps, more pushups, more laps, and stretch the furthest in ur pe class(:
12. ur wall paper on ur phone and computer is cheer related(:

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