My dad is a gynecologist (yeah, it's a fun thing for my friends to tease me about) and my mom was an OB nurse before she had us lol. The sex talk was nothing to them, strictly scientific. They also gave me that American Girl book hahaha. I was still clueless after it was over, but they hit the high points I guess. It wasn't nearly as horrifying as the phone calls he'd often get during supper. (It was nothing for me to hear "swab the vaginal wall and run lab on the discharge" while we were /eating/; I once made the mistake of asking what it was that he kept saying was dilated lol)
On the subject of cycles, my mom gave me that "talk" when I was 9 after my cousin got hers unusually young. Naturally, I expected it to come that next day or week at the latest, now that I knew about it... I got it at 14. That was a long wait [emoji23] And
@Alexx same. I got on birth control at a hella young age because I had a lot of problems and my dad could just call the drug store and get me some. I'm 18 now and my body still freaks out if I don't take the pills.