All-Star 1st Place Team Celebrating When 2nd Is Announced

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Just to put things in perspective: Celebrating a 1st place win when 2nd is announced is, in my eyes, the same as when a football team is winning the Super Bowl 14-3 with 10 seconds left on the clock, and they take a knee-ending the game. They rush out on the field, confetti rains down, they all start saying they're "going to Disney"....meanwhile, the other team is walking off the field to go clean out their lockers. Does anyone say that the winning team is poor sports, or spoiled brats? No....well, maybe the spoiled brat thing, but that's because they're making millions to play a game-not because of how they acted when they won. When my kid's team wins a game, they all rush the goalie. Does that make them poor sports? No. They've been on the other side of it too. When they lose a game, they have to walk back to their bench through the other team's celebration.
I think anyone (including me) who hates the first place team celebrating before their name is called should come to Canada, every competition I've been to, the MC specifically points out, multiple times, to wait your turn to cheer, and teams respect it. We can all say that no competition would compare to Worlds in terms of excitement, but we're thinking level 5 only. A youth 2 team could be just as excited winning a small national competition as a large senior 5 team is winning Worlds, so why use the excuse that it's Worlds? I don't like teams doing this, but they will continue to, and people will continue to say "well it was Worlds! you'd be excited too if you just won Worlds!", as if to give their favourite team praise for being disrespectful, and yes, it is disrespect, whether it's at Worlds, NCA, or a little competition in the middle of nowhere, it's disrespect. (now feel free to put up your pictures of beating a dead cow/horse, or smashing your head on a brick wall, or criticizing me, 'cause I know you all will)
I don't like teams doing this, but they will continue to, and people will continue to say "well it was Worlds! you'd be excited too if you just won Worlds!", as if to give their favourite team praise for being disrespectful, and yes, it is disrespect, whether it's at Worlds, NCA, or a little competition in the middle of nowhere, it's disrespect. (now feel free to put up your pictures of beating a dead cow/horse, or smashing your head on a brick wall, or criticizing me, 'cause I know you all will)
Not criticizing, but, who determines that a celebration is disrespectful? Which person is the grand poobah of respect at awards ceremonies?
and people will continue to say "well it was Worlds! you'd be excited too if you just won Worlds!", as if to give their favourite team praise for being disrespectful, and yes, it is disrespect, whether it's at Worlds, NCA, or a little competition in the middle of nowhere, it's disrespect.

I'm not a sr. elite fan or a teal army member but i definitely stuck up for sr. elite when people called them "unclassy" and "disrespectful" last year, and i would do it for any other team because this is just stupid. its NOT even close to disrespect.

telling a team they suck is disrespectful, celebrating a win is celebrating a win. NOTHING else to it. its not anything to get yourself worked up over.

:deadhorse::banghead: < thats for you.
i think it is a bit rude and not fun for the second pleace team BUT its hard for the first place team to just sit there straight faced when they know they got first!
I have a solution!! If anyone even cracks a smile when 2nd is called, then 1st place has to forfeit their win and everyone moves up a place.
Just to put things in perspective: Celebrating a 1st place win when 2nd is announced is, in my eyes, the same as when a football team is winning the Super Bowl 14-3 with 10 seconds left on the clock, and they take a knee-ending the game. They rush out on the field, confetti rains down, they all start saying they're "going to Disney"....meanwhile, the other team is walking off the field to go clean out their lockers. Does anyone say that the winning team is poor sports, or spoiled brats? No....well, maybe the spoiled brat thing, but that's because they're making millions to play a game-not because of how they acted when they won. When my kid's team wins a game, they all rush the goalie. Does that make them poor sports? No. They've been on the other side of it too. When they lose a game, they have to walk back to their bench through the other team's celebration.

THANK YOU! Why is it that no one else complains when college basketball fans celebrate when there is 10 seconds left and they know they are going to win? Or at the Super Bowl when they rush the field and the other team just sort of disappears?

Also who says the second place team can't continue to celebrate while the first place team is? Do you have to have the crowd's eyes on you? Does the crowd watching you like a hawk make that celebration mean something different? If you are going to blame the cheerleaders who places first for you not getting your moment you better be pointing fingers at the crowd for paying attention to them and not you.
I REALLY wish they would change around the way winners are announced to keep the gossip-hawks from getting their "gotcha" moments. If they would take the top 2 teams, say something to the effect of "Let's hear it for our top two teams, Gym A and Gym B. (pause for applause) . . . . . . and our champion is . . . . (winner)".
I believe battle at the capital did this. I wasnt at the awards this past year so I'm not sure if they still do.
They announced places X-3. Then the top 2 teams stood up. After dramatic pause, they only announced the 1st place team.
When my brother's team beat the xtime state champions for boys volleyball for the title, you BET the fans rushed the court and the boys went nuts. Did they eventually clear the floor so the boys could shake hands? Sure. But there was that initial moment of everyone being so caught up in the win that it didn't matter. And the game before theirs, the exact same thing happened.

If you're only concerned about what happens when the focus IS actually on you/another team, you're looking at this completely wrong. Character and sportsmanship involves the actions undertaken when the focus is NOT on you and WITHOUT you expecting something for it. A person of character does something good WITHOUT expecting to be noticed/rewarded for it. They do it because it's the right thing to do. It's easy to be a paragon of virtue when everyone's watching. I'm more concerned about what you do when you think nobody's looking/can pin it on you..
I really do not think that second place feels good no matter what..they were close and when ya get down to the last two and get's not great...but...(smoed mom here) in most cases...second deserved goes is an interesting about we call second sore losers for begrudging first their joy....same thing.....neither is good...they are kids...let them be happy and let second learn a normal lesson in life...IMO
I really do not think that second place feels good no matter what..they were close and when ya get down to the last two and get's not great...but...(smoed mom here) in most cases...second deserved goes is an interesting about we call second sore losers for begrudging first their joy....same thing.....neither is good...they are kids...let them be happy and let second learn a normal lesson in life...IMO

I have never understood the argument that this is "begrudging first their joy"? At our gym we choose to wait the 30 seconds to a minute until our name is called as 1st. Then we go crazy for as long as we want! First didn't feel any less amazing by waiting that extra minute.

I'd also like to say it's a choice our gym makes and the kids/parents are quite comfortable with it. If your gym does it differently then so be it...that's why we have choices.
I have never understood the argument that this is "begrudging first their joy"? At our gym we choose to wait the 30 seconds to a minute until our name is called as 1st. Then we go crazy for as long as we want! First didn't feel any less amazing by waiting that extra minute.

I'd also like to say it's a choice our gym makes and the kids/parents are quite comfortable with it. If your gym does it differently then so be it...that's why we have choices. is a great country that we can feel differently and still get along....I do NOT utter ANY California Allstar policies...this is my personal feelings...I would never speak for a whole gym!
Looking at it a different way, (assuming 2nd place is thrilled with their placement) should second place be required to sit down and immediately stop showing happiness when the announcer calls out the first place team's name? I haven't heard anyone state this, even though they are technically celebrating during "another teams spotlight time". I think it would be just as silly to ask them to sit down as it is to force the first place team to stay seated when 2nd place is called.

Note: we train our athletes to sit until their name is called. In fact, we spend much of our last minutes with the team before awards drilling this into their heads. This isn't because we necessarily agree that it is a display of sportsmanship, more that it is just to avoid giving ammunition to the haters. I do think that respecting your competitors is a valuable life lesson, but I do not think that this is a fair way to measure it.

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