CaeLuvs2Cheer and
Mamarazzi just because I always have to be right...:p:D
Little girl came to practice last week KNOWING full well that she was sick and probably had norovirus. Then she missed
competition instead of missing practice because she didn't stay her butt home when she should have and ended up twice as sick.
Now? You guessed it - basically the whole team is sick and we have an out of town competition this weekend. So thanks to this mom thinking hand sanitizer was magical, my cp has had a fever of 104 for 3 days and has been puking all over the place.
I would much rather you miss practice than competition. Really. And I'd really rather not have my whole family have norovirus. I understand how important practice is (believe me, I paid it forward last night and took my cp right to practice since no one else seems to care what they spread around) but seriously...can y'all keep your strep, norovirus, walking pneumonia, etc. at home???:help: