I have only missed one comp ever, and that was as a coach. It sucked horribly, luckily it was a very small comp and my girls were not competing against anyone (but looked fantastic!). The open team I was on with another program had our nationals that same weekend, and everyone was made aware ahead of time.
Anywho. I HATE summer practices. I feel like I am talking to a brick wall sometimes with kids having to show up. I totally understand that people go on vacation, get sick, etc. I have already had kids not show up and later on say "I just didnt feel like coming".
...What?! It just blows my mind. I could probably count on one hand how many practices I have missed. I have shown up to practices disgustingly sick I dont know how many times, shown up injured (at least have to watch, right?), I even went and practiced when I was HORRIBLY sunburned. Sounds stupid, but man I was so burnt. It was my stupidity, though catching a flyer while looking like a tomato is not fun. Heck, I am not cheering this year, but I still continue to show up to every open team practice. People now a days need to learn COMMITMENT. Ack. Please excuse my rant :)