There is this kinda unspoken level of awesome (we will call it) that teams need to be around to win. If a team goes above and beyond this level all their difficulty and hard work may not be rewarded that well.... UNLESS the judges were aware of the team blowing away the current accepted level of awesome.
What if the team with the standing doubles was 'known' to all the judges and all the judges were aware they were competing and doing these skills (very well I might add!) they would probably still put, say TG in the highest category, but would probalby not max them out (I am not picking on them obviously, they are just a good example).
TG would get the comment - add more standing doubles to max out (hah).
So my point is if you were about to do something revolutionary and mind blowing make sure you send a tape to all the Worlds judges?
There is not secret "Unspoken level of Awesomeness" We score the team in front of us, not compared the team before or after.
The key to these teams success is the highly under-appreciated
10 points given out for performance, and the 10 points given out for skills, and routine creativity.
Teams focus SO much on having the BEST sequence, and the BEST tumbling, that they either:
1. Worried the entire year about hitting stunts, that their entire routine has became centered around them, therefor scoring low in both performance, and choreography because you had time to teach sally a full up, tik-tok... but not a basic "high v".
2. They might have a WELL built routine, and choreography, but Become so concerned about hitting stunts, and landing tumbling, when something goes wrong, and sally drops her double full up, and jane puts her knees down after her double the rest of the routine just falls apart because they have it in their mind that stunts and tumbling are the only thing that count. And if you look at EVERY level 5 team, whats one of the first elements that you do? Tumbling and stunts.
Therefor these teams are either going to make or break themselves within the first 30 seconds on the floor.
This brings me to my personal opinion why I watched World Cup fall apart from the judges stand this past sunday. (NO I WAS NOT JUDGING them at the time, I had judged earlier and came back to watch)
They are a WELL coached and AMAZINGLY well choreographed team, but like all level 5's stunts are ALWAYS one of the first things in the routine. The pressure these girls must face is unimaginable! The entire arena expects perfection, and an amazing performance. These girls KNOW that they are Amazing, but they also knew what part of the routine they have trouble with..... They came out AMAZING, standing tumbling looked good, energy was high.... and when they dropped those 5 stunts, and heard the crowd make the "OOOOOOOOOOOO" sound, the girls energy and performance was all downhill from that point.
This is where stingray nails it every time. (not just them, but using them for an example)
They focus on EVERY aspect of the routine.
Their stunts might not be hard, but they are guaranteed to max out execution.
They only perform stunts they know that they can hit 9 out of 10 times. Everything is SAFE, and can be executed perfectly, thats how they make up for those difficulty points.
Fictional example:
WCSS does 9 double up to stretch, tik-tok to scorp. Lets say they all hit, no deductions but are very shaky and body positions are not properly executed due to right leg flexibility. They look scared in the air, and are not confident till the end of the stunt.
StingR: does 9 full up to stretches (left), double down reload, into tik-tok (switch kick) from the ground. (I call them switch ups). They all hit, and are all SOLID. flexibility was amazing, and confidence was high throughout the entire sequence.
The way I would score would be (and keep in mind, I am a VERY low scoring judge, and these scores are fictional)
WCSS- 8.8 difficulty .5 execution 9.3 total Performance 9.5 RC:4.8 SC: 4.8 TOTAL 19.1
StingR-8.5 difficulty 1.0 execution 9.5 total Performance 9.9 RC:4.5 SC: 4.7 TOTAL 19.1
String Ray though not having as hard of stunts wins the stunt portion of the score sheet, and ties the Overall routine categories with WCSS.... and even though WCSS scored higher on Stunt difficulty, routine and skills creativity, Stingray would win.