It’s very sad that gyms feel they have to have the same name as a big gym in order to be successful. And once one gym in an area succumbs to this, nearby gyms might feel pressured to do the same.
It’s eliminated some of the individuality among gyms. Now when I look at results and see a bunch of CEAs, Cheer Athletics, Stingrays, and Top Guns, it doesn’t mean as much and it’s difficult to keep track of who is who, and I have to sometimes ask “what did that program used to be called” in order for the result to have any meaning in my head.
It’s also made things feel less competitive. A random Mega gym satellite location doesn’t have to work as hard to build themselves up and make a name for themselves because the Big Gym name is already plopped on their door, and they can just pretend the success of another one of their locations 5 states away is somehow their own.
This, as well as the hundreds of divisions offered, sometimes feels like it’s pushing Allstar cheer closer to an exhibition/showcase sport instead of a competitive one with local rivalries, etc.
All the new gym names this season with the breakup of Rockstar has been refreshing, but for whatever reasons Pittsburgh Superstars thinks it’s better to have a different name on the wall.