All-Star Grammar Thread - Have At It

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omg no. my boyfriend does that to me all the time and its drives me crazy.. "can you pass my the salt?" "i don't know can i?" i started taking out the question to avoid it.. "pass the salt please".. it reminds me of the annoying teachers that thought they were funny.. "can i go to the bathroom?" "I'm not sure, can you?" :mad:

Lol that sounds like something I would do! Usually when my friends ask me to get something for them I say "NO" and give them a stern look. Or if they ask a dumb question I give them a sarcastic answer or the wrong answer in a sarcastic way.
I don't know why but won/one and our/are really set me off when used incorrectly. I think because I feel like how much more obvious can you get? Oh, my other favorite is using stood instead of stayed. I know someone who takes that one even further and says stezz. I typed it as I hear it cause it is not a word that has a proper spelling lol. I know I am not always grammatically perfect by any means but, I'm sorry, some of these sound awkward to say so I don't understand how you'd get them wrong. A/an is a good example of words that sound wrong when used incorrectly so I don't get how people use them wrong. That felt good to get off my chest haha. Great thread!
"Of" instead of "have." When I see "could of" I want to scream. That is hands down the one that gets me most, especially because even some of my most intelligent friends do it! I don't understand.

These things:

: colon
; semicolon
, comma
' apostrophe

What is so complicated about them? Why don't people know how to use any of them correctly?

And for the love of God, it's ETC. It's an abbreviation for "et cetera" - it's not ect. Ever.
I love that I'm raising a little Grammar Nazi.
Little's friend tweeted something about wanting to eat ramen but he didn't have any "civil ware." It quickly begat subtweets of "That tweet was Legend Dairy," "He has a speech impeppermint," and pics of 19th-century eating utensils.
I know adults that spell it probly and are confident that's the correct way to spell it. I've also seen prolly (why did auto correct not try to change that?) used in the Facebook statuses of my more colorful "friends". Of course, I'm from the most country town in the world; Senior class VP said "We wasn't" on a post to our class Facebook page. It physically hurt me to read. SHE'S A SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL.
I'm guilty of utilizing prolly as an abbreviation for probably.
Good vs well. I'm not sorry that I correct people on it all the time.
Also - ending sentences with at. "Where's it at?" This one I got from my dad, who corrects my brothers on it 10 times a day.
Another thing I got from my dad: eg. vs i.e.
I.e.= that is, e.g. = for example
My wife hounds me on good vs well issue.
My wife hounds me on good vs well issue.
Good :P
I have a friend who always texts me and asks "how are you" and would try to get on to me for saying good. He thought he knew everything because his mom was an English teacher. WRONG. that's another pet peeve. "I'm good" is a perfectly fine response to "how are you?" Because the verb is a linking verb, and means "to be". It's not acceptable to say "I'm doing good" when someone says "how are you doing?" Using it as "I am good" is like saying "the food is good" (describing the person/food bc it uses a to be verb) which is right. Using it as "I'm doing good" is like saying "she runs good" (using it to describe how the person does the action) which is very very wrong. Nothing bothers me more than when people try to correct me and they're wrong! So if she corrects you on that... Now you know you're right ;)
I just saw a new one! Heal and heel. No, the wound on your heal is not starting to heel.

So frustrating!
This reminds me of a "car" game my 10 year old non-cp and I sometimes play. Words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Homonyms? Homophones? This thread is giving me new pairs for my arsenal against him. :)

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