It really irks me to try and watch videos
SO, to any people on Varsity TV that read, I offer a solution (instead of the normal just whining and complaining!).
You can pay for a Vimeo account (it is like Youtube only a bit higher quality and just as fast). In that account you can set it up so the videos from your competition can ONLY be viewed from the domain. If someone tries to link directly to the video and play it outside of varsity it will not allow it (or shoot you to the varsity page). It will track everything for you, give you analytics on who is watching and where, allow you to categorize, and be done with that AWFUL interface you guys have going on.
A fast loading video that doesn't cost you bandwidth to host. HD quality videos! There is a cap of 5 gig a week, but, correct compression and uploading at 480p (cause 1080 for a cheer comp is silly) would not exceed that for a ton of videos. And if that was a concern at all you can have multiple accounts.
And, this is all for a grand total of.... $60 a year. I just made you money and your service better. How much do you guys pay for hosting and bandwidth currently? It is either not enough to meet the needs of the public or way too expensive.
Chances of the Varsity TV people reading this and actually doing it.. Zero.