My apologies...fb said the link wasn't available anymore, so perhaps it's private now instead...and I'm not or ever have been friends w/him on there goes that theory.
Personally I'm sick of certain people pretending to care about something/someone when that's obviously not the case

(and if you think all of those comments in that post were not about hating on an organization, then either we aren't reading the same thing or you need might need to adjust the resolution on your monitor).. . Note I said certain people, so that it isn't misunderstood and people think I'm attacking any/everyone who says something about CEA. I felt that I was pretty clear about that.
So let's say in this context (a "serious" thread about safety issues) on the board, it's something that is helpful and needs to be discussed, but do you find it professional for a USASF certified judge to post an obviously targeted comment and allow those types of responses? Sure it's his personal fb and he can do whatever he wants w/it, I don't have to be his fb friend (which I already said I wasn't), etc., but how can you expect that to some people, his motives aren't questionable?
Personally I don't care if he does or doesn't like CEA, I honestly don't..but I'm not going to play into his game or buy into his "reasons" when I clearly don't believe that's the case. If this thread raises issues that help other gyms and clear up any safety concerns, that's great. I'm just not going to pretend that his intentions were honorable in this situation. So be's not the end the world.