Of course everyone sweats and has sore muscles, that means absolutely nothing! I know tons of people who thought they were working as hard as they possibly could, until they went to the new gym and found out they could be doing more! There are plenty of parents and athletes on this message board that I'm sure could attest to that! Here in Atlanta when it drops down to 50 degrees people are freezing, and to them they really DO feel very cold, in chicago or Minnesota 50 degrees might be a nice fall day and don't get cold till its 15-20 degrees, it's all about perspective, you don't know till you've been there! It's also not just about working HARDER it's about working smarter, knowing the best way to do things and attention to detail. I'm sure I've already said it in this thread, but there is a reason why John Wooden, Coach K, Pat Summit, Bill Bellichick, Vince Lombardi, and so many others continue to win year after year with different athletes of all different ability levels.
To say that programs win because of their name (at any kind of half way reputable competition) is uninformed, inflammatory, and EXTREMELY disrespectful to those of us that dedicate our lives to give our athletes the opportunity to be successful. It sounds like most of you who are claiming you only lose to people because of their name can't give any reason why you DESERVE to win other than the fact that you WANT to win. Try reading a score sheet and a rubric and actually understand what the deductions do, how the math works, what skills score in certain ranges, I guarantee you the gyms with the "big name" are already doing that, and THAT'S why they are beating you, not because of the uniform they are wearing. The grass is ALWAYS greener, don't be so closed minded and ignorant to assume your program has it harder, or that it's unfair! You've never been in the meeting with the judges, or competition reps at MULTIPLE major competitions telling you the reason you got a lower score than you feel you deserve because "the judges just expect a little more from your program". Just because YOU personally are not educated enough to understand the placements at a given competition doesn't mean they are wrong or there was any foul play