Well keep in mind the rules have already been set in place for two years, the only way this would work is to as coaches:
a) Advertise and Promote the idea so that we get the athletes in the gym that fit the criteria
b) Once we can say we've got so many gyms fielding teams and ready to participate then we go to Company X and say will you offer this division for this many teams?
Even if we just get 3 National Competitions to sign on to the idea I think we've already made it worth it...
As far as rules and guidelines go I feel strongly about the following:
This division should not take away from senior divisions already in place and therefor the age should be 17+
Being the test year I'd think we'd be pushing it by asking for coed and all girl splits. I would call the division International Open Level 6 and give a max of 24 members capping the number of males at 12. Some will immediately think they've been disadvantaged but I coach a college Intermediate with 5 males and they held their own in Daytona against several teams with 10+ males on it, as long as your stunt ratio matches the score guidelines that companies want to see I don't personally see a problem.
NCA Intermediate College rules loosely follow All Star levels 3-5, I personally think those rules need work and fine tuning before anything is modeled after them which leads me to think this division should remain USASF level 4 across the board. One could also argue that going from kick fulls to back tucks completely skips level 5 and is not a proper progression.