I think those type of Atheists and/or Agnostics are just as bad as the people who attempt to shove any religion down someone's throat and who also judge you right out of the box if you so much as say you aren't a Christian and/or believe in God. See, there is already a misunderstood preconceived judgement regarding me based upon a couple of replies on a forum (in which I've never stated my religious or non religious beliefs) and there's the immediate defensiveness and assumptions by believers. Notice I've never once commented directly about a single member's religious beliefs in any negative way, yet I get immediately judged and assumed...AND I wind up getting someone else questioning what they perceive to be my beliefs based upon their assumption of my religious affiliation. How very interesting....
For the record, I was raised a Southern Baptist and my husband's father is an ordained minister for born again believers. I had to go to church every Sunday and very often regular Wednesday's since I was a very little child, up until I was 17. I have read the Bible in its entirety twice. I have also been immensely educated regarding numerous religions. Neither my husband or I currently hold any religious affiliations, but considering we both grew up in heavily Christian environments and our parents are staunch believers, we are still capable of respecting (to the utmost) any persons of any religious affiliation. My mother died a Christian and her belief in God helped her battle a very severe cancer for numerous years. I saw how much it helped her and meant to her, so I am not as ignorant as simply thinking believers are stupid (as you mentioned about your brother). I understand one of most humans basic needs require some type of belief. I only have a problem when you (collectively, not you specifically) start excluding others based upon their beliefs bc they're not similar, or bc they're gay, etc., and when it starts to divide families, countries, cause wars, genocide, etc. I've never considered the notion that any religion should be anything but peaceful...it's hard to conceive sometimes that religion has caused so many terrible things bc I prefer to associate them w/peacefulness (since most of their sacred texts advocate it)