I cheer for a small team who are one of the luckiest in scotland , this year our routine was choreo'd by a wcss coach and our tumbling by a TG coach! But we had to fundraise our butts off to afford their flight,expenses, time
we have aquirred 5 roll matts. But we are the only team I know of that has this luxury. I coach for a company (the scottish equivalent to say cheersport) and visit many teams who have a church hall and attempt to learn to tumble on a single matt (like a beemat i dunno what you would call it!)
We are slowly but surely getting there with tumbling. Stunts we are full out at our levels (junior 2 and senior4). But if you think that you have some magic solution to take my kids who came to me last year couldn't even do forward rolls etc( and now have full out level 2 tumbles) and you think you can make them tumble to worlds level ... then give me an email and maybe next year we will hire you !
I THINK THAT IS AWESOME THAT YOU GUYS ARE MOVING UP and getting the opportunity to get better at tumbling! But here MOST gyms don't produce level 5 teams either. We also have new comers come in and YES of course it is harder... But these kids don't have the skills to go to WORLDS or 90% that age don't get a chance to be on level 5 teams unless they are a great base. But they rock the Nationals and local competitions!
I am just saying Level 5 is a luxury and priveledge and it takes work to get there wether a small gym, a large gym, live in a small community or in a different country, but
I don't get held by the hand to get my kids there (as a coach, we hold ou kids hand and get them through! No one just has the money to get things, booster raise money for gyms to get better and bigger, personal loans or like me, I took out a Bank loan which was a pretty penny and I paid my dues for those mats, instructors, conferences, instruction to get better etc...
I am excited to see the WORLD get better at this sport but I don't want anyone to get held by the hand b/c... the out come is so much sweeter when you have worked your tail off to get there (Being level 5, Worlds or your dream).:D
LOL, I have been in this sport for 15 years and coached many great teams, even when they didn't have Levels 1-4 but only 5 but I will say there are many more coaches, instructors etc. that are greater than me! I mean I am great, NO Juustttt Kiddddding!;) You guys hiring out the ones you did is your best bet!
Good Luck with your teams and push those girls/boys and hope to see your team at Worlds one day b/c everyone deserves to be there!!