All-Star Too Many Boys On The Floor

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It is VERY hard for me to explain to kids and their parents that legalities are not always caught and when they are, you're pretty much screwed---even if you've done everything to make sure it's all legal and rules are followed.
I'm a rule fo-ll-ow-er, but this is the most frustrating issue for me because of this exact thing---a deduction at the worst possible time and not one chance for correction--GAME OVER. I can totally empathize the feeling of extreme frustration and anger you are experiencing right now.

The most frustrating thing is that our coach has been coaching for 30 years and she is a personal friend...we had many conversations about the routine and how many times she had it critiqued so there were no errors...I have never seen her cry as hard as she did at Worlds saying she let her kids wasn't her fault...someone should of caught this earlier before we took at big hit at the most important comp of the season. I know the people who she sent it to and they are big names in the industry...many are well know judges as well as safety people (two being Fierceboarders that I sent the routine to)...only thing that was mentioned was to have a spotter looking up at the stunt during unassisted coed.
The most frustrating thing is that our coach has been coaching for 30 years and she is a personal friend...we had many conversations about the routine and how many times she had it critiqued so there were no errors...I have never seen her cry as hard as she did at Worlds saying she let her kids wasn't her fault...someone should of caught this earlier before we took at big hit at the most important comp of the season. I know the people who she sent it to and they are big names in the industry...many are well know judges as well as safety people (two being Fierceboarders that I sent the routine to)...only thing that was mentioned was to have a spotter looking up at the stunt during unassisted coed.

I would've cried too. I know the effort and hours that go into it.
On day 2 of finals our kids were in 7th place going in (small ltd coed)...this was our first year we had a really good team and were so excited we made it so far...other years we never made it past the first day and our goal was to make top 10. We had sent our routine out to at least 10 people who included comp promoters, judges, safey people...we also competed THE SAME routine at 5 bids comps and never had and issue....there were also 3 safety judges on the warmup mats beforehand...NOW, in finals we were called out on an illegal inversion in the pyramid...our coach said it was a dismount and realod and the judges thought otherwise...we got a 5 pt deduction whice dropped us to 13th place and off the podium....why why why, after taking all the precautions our kids took the hit...we were never ever called on this, our routine was competed at least 15 time throught the year and getting the go ahead from so many people the kids got crushed...the rules are so ambiguous. The same thing happened to Brandon but it was caught day one...we did not get the chance to correct....any comments would be appreciated~ Thanks for listening
yea it sounds like you got a bad deal :(
so basically 7 out of 13...more than half are Varsity representation?

James Speed is listed as a non-voting member as a gym owner of GymTyme. I work closely with this guy throughout the year and trust me his interests are NOT always in line with Varsity. Even still when you count the "voting" members you're still less than half with only 5 of the 13 with Varsity ties.
On day 2 of finals our kids were in 7th place going in (small ltd coed)...this was our first year we had a really good team and were so excited we made it so far...other years we never made it past the first day and our goal was to make top 10. We had sent our routine out to at least 10 people who included comp promoters, judges, safey people...we also competed THE SAME routine at 5 bids comps and never had and issue....there were also 3 safety judges on the warmup mats beforehand...NOW, in finals we were called out on an illegal inversion in the pyramid...our coach said it was a dismount and realod and the judges thought otherwise...we got a 5 pt deduction whice dropped us to 13th place and off the podium....why why why, after taking all the precautions our kids took the hit...we were never ever called on this, our routine was competed at least 15 time throught the year and getting the go ahead from so many people the kids got crushed...the rules are so ambiguous. The same thing happened to Brandon but it was caught day one...we did not get the chance to correct....any comments would be appreciated~ Thanks for listening

So, you really should be mad at all the people that didn't say anything instead of the ones that did.
James Speed is listed as a non-voting member as a gym owner of GymTyme. I work closely with this guy throughout the year and trust me his interests are NOT always in line with Varsity. Even still when you count the "voting" members you're still less than half with only 5 of the 13 with Varsity ties.

I didn't count James Speed.
I didn't count James Speed.

regardless of their past you can't count Jim Chadwick or Steve Peterson either... Simply b/c their paychecks are NOT paid by Varsity. In this industry anyone who's been in it for 10+ years its hard to NOT find someone with some tie in their past to Varsity.

For example Karen Halterman has been with NCA for YEARS! long before the NCA/UCA merger back in the early 2000's whenever it was (I think 2003 or 2004)

If everyone is so dead set on trying to blame a specific person or entity then regardless of how you want to look at it the USASF is made up of representatives from every corner of our industry, Varsity, Jam brands, Independent brands, gym owners/coaches etc etc...
I didn't count James Speed.

Then it would be 5 members not 7 making it less then half. I am failing to see how you managed to add to 7 when only 6 names are bolded and James is a non-voting members taking it down to 5.
Then it would be 5 members not 7 making it less then half. I am failing to see how you managed to add to 7 when only 6 names are bolded and James is a non-voting members taking it down to 5.

He's counting Jim Chadwick and Steve Peterson b/c they have a past even though for the last half decade they've had NOTHING to do with Varsity...
How about courts? Many signed waivers don't hold up in court because there needs to be a clear understanding of what is being signed.

There is a difference between not understanding and not reading. A HUGE difference. If you read, but don't understand, that's what questions are for. If you refuse to read, it is no one's issue but yours. When I show horses, if I have even the slightest question on a legality, I'm checking with everyone I know to get a definitive answer. And this is only with me on the line. If I have 24 athletes riding on me making the right call, I'm going to get an answer no matter what it takes. Especially if I'm competing in another country, and they've put a ton of time, effort, and money into going to that competition. I'd be the first to admit that if I got DQ'd over a rule I didn't read, it was my fault. It was my responsibility to read and ensure I understood those rules.

There is no way at all that this team shouldn't have been deducted the safety/legality issues. Especially when other teams got deductions for legalities. So either the judges didn't know the level 6 rules, or they didn't care. Either one is outrageous for a competition at this level.
regardless of their past you can't count Jim Chadwick or Steve Peterson either... Simply b/c their paychecks are NOT paid by Varsity. In this industry anyone who's been in it for 10+ years its hard to NOT find someone with some tie in their past to Varsity.

For example Karen Halterman has been with NCA for YEARS! long before the NCA/UCA merger back in the early 2000's whenever it was (I think 2003 or 2004)

If everyone is so dead set on trying to blame a specific person or entity then regardless of how you want to look at it the USASF is made up of representatives from every corner of our industry, Varsity, Jam brands, Independent brands, gym owners/coaches etc etc...

I didn't blame anyone...I asked a question. I was confused by Andre's post and asked for clarification.
I have to say after reading a few last page post that:
I see complaints about coming over and not having a chance to win and spending all that money- What?

Everyone has the sources to get better-
Tumbling- Everyone has a gymnastics center of some sort- most all countries have gymnastics in the olympics, so no excuse...Some say it's b/c they don't have spring floors in some countries... No excuse USA didn't have spring floor until right around 2000. My kids and I had doubles and combos to double on hard floor so again no excuse.

I cheer for a small team who are one of the luckiest in scotland , this year our routine was choreo'd by a wcss coach and our tumbling by a TG coach! But we had to fundraise our butts off to afford their flight,expenses, time
we have aquirred 5 roll matts. But we are the only team I know of that has this luxury. I coach for a company (the scottish equivalent to say cheersport) and visit many teams who have a church hall and attempt to learn to tumble on a single matt (like a beemat i dunno what you would call it!)

We are slowly but surely getting there with tumbling. Stunts we are full out at our levels (junior 2 and senior4). But if you think that you have some magic solution to take my kids who came to me last year couldn't even do forward rolls etc( and now have full out level 2 tumbles) and you think you can make them tumble to worlds level ... then give me an email and maybe next year we will hire you !
I'm mad at everyone right still is new and haven't gotten over it yet....its my daughters last Worlds and I wanted it to be memorable....not bad memories.

I cheer for a small team who are one of the luckiest in scotland , this year our routine was choreo'd by a wcss coach and our tumbling by a TG coach! But we had to fundraise our butts off to afford their flight,expenses, time
we have aquirred 5 roll matts. But we are the only team I know of that has this luxury. I coach for a company (the scottish equivalent to say cheersport) and visit many teams who have a church hall and attempt to learn to tumble on a single matt (like a beemat i dunno what you would call it!)

We are slowly but surely getting there with tumbling. Stunts we are full out at our levels (junior 2 and senior4). But if you think that you have some magic solution to take my kids who came to me last year couldn't even do forward rolls etc( and now have full out level 2 tumbles) and you think you can make them tumble to worlds level ... then give me an email and maybe next year we will hire you !

I THINK THAT IS AWESOME THAT YOU GUYS ARE MOVING UP and getting the opportunity to get better at tumbling! But here MOST gyms don't produce level 5 teams either. We also have new comers come in and YES of course it is harder... But these kids don't have the skills to go to WORLDS or 90% that age don't get a chance to be on level 5 teams unless they are a great base. But they rock the Nationals and local competitions!

I am just saying Level 5 is a luxury and priveledge and it takes work to get there wether a small gym, a large gym, live in a small community or in a different country, but I don't get held by the hand to get my kids there (as a coach, we hold ou kids hand and get them through! No one just has the money to get things, booster raise money for gyms to get better and bigger, personal loans or like me, I took out a Bank loan which was a pretty penny and I paid my dues for those mats, instructors, conferences, instruction to get better etc...

I am excited to see the WORLD get better at this sport but I don't want anyone to get held by the hand b/c... the out come is so much sweeter when you have worked your tail off to get there (Being level 5, Worlds or your dream).:D

LOL, I have been in this sport for 15 years and coached many great teams, even when they didn't have Levels 1-4 but only 5 but I will say there are many more coaches, instructors etc. that are greater than me! I mean I am great, NO Juustttt Kiddddding!;) You guys hiring out the ones you did is your best bet!

Good Luck with your teams and push those girls/boys and hope to see your team at Worlds one day b/c everyone deserves to be there!!

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