I literally had to walk away from my computer after reading this thread (and I read all of the posts). I am so incredibly angry over this. This nulls and voids all placements of all teams. Before people start telling me oh no, nope, nada; let me explain. Allowing cheating, whatever the reasoning, calls into question ALL of the divisions. I have no idea and neither does anyone else whether other indiscretions, bending of rules, etc. were actually allowed that no one even knows about. What is so infuriating to me is that it takes away from what should be considered the true winners of every division. I know I will always have in my mind if things were being manipulated behind the scenes for certain teams.
I am going to email every member of the board with my concerns as I am a gym owner, have been a participant, judge and event producer. I think there is a lot that needs to be corrected within USASF and explainations should be clear and transparent. I do completely agree that mistakes happen. All the time. However, it does not explain the safety violations.
I have to belong to the USASF or my gym doesn't really count, but I have to tell you, I am not at all happy with some of these situations. There are too many of them. And please don't tell me how far we have come. I have been around too long, seen and heard too much. Correct it or void it (USASF). There is no excuse when these situations come up and are not corrected within a reasonable amount of time. (which Kingston clearly attempted to address for quite a while).