I can say as a member of GT IOC6 that we don't feel "jipped" and we did win(I'm pretty sure our worlds rings won't say "co-champion" on them) and we are very proud of our performance. Not speaking for the team, as I'm only one person, I was very happy for Bangkok and they were amazing! I do, however, feel this situation is very unfortunate for the USASF. I have no opinion to share about the "right or wrong" part of this matter (seeing as that would be inappropriate for obvious reasons). My only additive to this is that I hope the USASF does correct this for the future so international cheer can grow. While Ioc6 isn't very appreciated in the US (we can't even get a paid bid) I do feel that it Is the strongest WORLDS division, meaning it has the strongest international team presence. I definitely hope this all is worked out not only for the betterment of worlds but for the division I love to be a part of!!
Also, to comment about whether or not Bangkok was at worlds last year, "University of Bangkok" was not at worlds last year. I don't care what level 5 team was there from the country of Thailand, the team that competes in ICU and level 6 was not there for 2010. So just wanted to squash that.
Thanks to Les and Andre for all their input and clarifications!! There is a lot of confusion about this situation but one thing is 100% for sure- and that's that there will be no answer or action that will make everyone happy. I just hope its cleared up enough for everyone to move on and next year everyone have a fair shot at the 2012 title!!
My only negative thing to add about the situation is that if I read one more person say "they deserve it" I'm gonna punch my screen lol. The things I've read people Say about "the money they spent, they put on a good show", and whatever else they wanna say, you are demeaning the sport. This is not directed at Bangkok whatsoever, this is just in general, but this is not a popularity contest. And if all it took was spending money and putting on a good show to "deserve" a title, then I'll take out a bis bank loan and rent the cast of la nouba for a day and bring home a ring every year lol. If we want this to be a sport then ALL assumptions should be made (USASF having a precedent set already for a non US team being good enough to win like in this situation),having rules to stick by, and sticking by them whether it be Bangkok, Gymtyme, or team Antartica!! No one could have ever seen this happening, but it did, so now we fix it and learn from it, and move on!!