All-Star Trinity

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Scholarships for kids who can't afford this sport I am 100% behind.

I agree, but there was more information on their website stating that it was only for their level 5 team. I would think if it was just to help kids out who can't afford it, they would offer it across the board to help build their program all the way around.
Being from and knowing the Pittsburgh area - I dont' know what to think about this from Poison. You have FCA, Fire & Ice and Pittsburgh Superstars all with (hit or miss) strong Level 5 teams in the area. Poison has never been known for their cheer programs. They are a dance organization. I'm completely 100% behind giving scholarships to kids who can't afford the sport, but I don't know about all this. Especially since it's specifically adressing the "stealing" aspect in it directly. We'll see how this goes. Pittsburgh has such a crazy cheer dynamic, kind of like DC. A ton of gyms all within driving distance of each other.

I am from the Pittsburgh area as well, and the line about stealing was what jumped out at me, especially because I do know of some history between some of the coaches. This is only meant for their venom team, which is senior 5, so I don't think it's about helping kids who can't afford the sport. I really don't have much of an opinion for or against what they are doing, I was just more surprised because before I started reading this thread, I had never heard of a gym doing this. I am seriously wondering if there are more gyms and I just don't know that?
In general, having met with and spoken with different coaches - level 5 teams are typically not a gyms bread and butter. As a couple of coaches have said at level 5 most boys don't pay simply to keep them in the sport. Some gyms do this by offering scholarships or other agreements that are mutually beneficial. For example, level 5 kids may be expected to do stunt classes for the lower level teams or help coach the lower levels and any missing fees covered thru fund raising events.

I even know of a team in IL that let a child cheer for free as long as the mom was the "team photographer." The biggest difference is some gyms have started using this as a recruiting tool. If that's how they want to promote themselves then so be it.

If you have a problem with it as a parent, don't go there. If you have a problem as a gym owner feeling that this and that program is stealing your kids, news flash, they're not your kids. Their the parents children who will ultimately do what is best for their kids and their families. If you think it's unfair to your gym, then figure out a way to differentiate yourself from the rest.

Being new to GA and really diving deep ino the cheer world - there are soooooooo many options out there. So every gym has to differentiate or they will close thier doors. I know this isn't news to anyone on here but speculating why one gym
Is doing this and not the other is rather pointless. If you have a question about a gym, go to thier website, find the gym number or e-mail and contact them. Most if not all will give you an answer. I've done it so can you.

There where sooooo many things on this thread I wanted i address, thus the reason for joining the board but feel it would be out of place since some of it was pages ago.

Simple answer to last post - yes, many gyms offer scholarships or reduced tuition for athletes based on need or talent. Most do not promote this in a wide scope as its typically case by case.

Stepping off my soapbox - sorry for any typos it's on my phone
This thread has been really interesting and entertaining. Apparently Trinity is doing a wonderful job marketing themselves if all everyone can talk about is what Trinity is up to. I'm trying to figure out why people are so up in arms about Trinity. Someone please explain it to me because I'm new to the forum and the sport. I learned about Gianni through Google and the stuff that's been said on here over the past week. When it comes to Trinity, I say let their teams do the talking on the mat. I haven't seen anything where Trinity is blasting other gyms or anything like that so I don't understand why people are so mad. So what if a couple of gyms lost a handful of athletes. It's called turnover. It happens in business all the time. At the end of the day, it takes a lot more than an Angel Rice or Gabi Butler to make a great team. Plus, Trinity is a new gym under new management so what do all these naysayers have to fear? Trinity hasn't even stepped on the mat yet and they have people scared of what they're going to bring to the table. You all are making Trinity relevant. I say Kudos to Trinity because the strategy is genius!! Lol, they put the word out like twice and let ya'll do all the work.
Sorry, one more thought - why is this conversation even a part of this thread?

In all of Trinity's communication via Twitter, FB and other advertising I've seen no where that they state "Level X cheers free" or "Come ask us how you can cheer for free." I have seen other teams, some mentioned here stating scholarships or "double fulls don't pay" but there's a thread out there on what recruiting is going to far. Maybe this particular conversation would be better had there.

If you or someone you know has been offered some sort of special arrangement, then shame on you for making a private business transaction public.

I also have seen no communication from them via FB or otherwise stating anything definitive about who's cheering there or if they're doing a show of some sort. So until that happens its all rumors.

Now if you want to talk about how Tonya and Gianni working together should make for quite a season next year - assuming they have the cheer talent to go with thier coaching talent then carry on.
Despite what EVERYONE seems to think WINNING is not EVERYTHING. My child cheered at Stingrays for one year and honestly had the time of her life, but that drive was just not what was right for our family. She went from and undefeated season on Stingrays Teal to a Season at GA Heat on Small Sr 5 with an up and down season and a top 20 finish at Worlds with a team full of kids who had never cheered Sr level 5 before but she didn't walk around sad and wishing she had still been at Rays because she was happy where she was then too. Rays is an AMAZING program and she wouldn't trade that year for anything but their success does not mean that everyone should go there and the rest of the programs are useless.
Ok, this is ridonkulous, but I always wondered why you left Rays. You may have explained it elsewhere, but Im just now seeing it. As a die hard Rays fan, I cant fathom anyone leaving! lol. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the million hour drive down there everyday just to clean their toilets if that's what they needed me to do.
Ok, this is ridonkulous, but I always wondered why you left Rays. You may have explained it elsewhere, but Im just now seeing it. As a die hard Rays fan, I cant fathom anyone leaving! lol. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the million hour drive down there everyday just to clean their toilets if that's what they needed me to do.

Drives can be long and expensive and we practice a lot. It can be very hard on a lot of people.
I think it's very interesting that this thread even exists about a gym in its first (second?) year. It has certainly attracted a lot of newbies which I find funny. Props to any gym that can get people talking without even taking the mat. I'll be interested to see if anyone is still discussing them in a year.
Sorry, one more thought - why is this conversation even a part of this thread?

In all of Trinity's communication via Twitter, FB and other advertising I've seen no where that they state "Level X cheers free" or "Come ask us how you can cheer for free." I have seen other teams, some mentioned here stating scholarships or "double fulls don't pay" but there's a thread out there on what recruiting is going to far. Maybe this particular conversation would be better had there.

If you or someone you know has been offered some sort of special arrangement, then shame on you for making a private business transaction public.

I also have seen no communication from them via FB or otherwise stating anything definitive about who's cheering there or if they're doing a show of some sort. So until that happens its all rumors.

Now if you want to talk about how Tonya and Gianni working together should make for quite a season next year - assuming they have the cheer talent to go with thier coaching talent then carry on.

I'm with you on this one. The duo should be interesting. I'm excited to see how well Trinity competes.
Drives can be long and expensive and we practice a lot. It can be very hard on a lot of people.

The Rays program is amazing, no doubt. Any gym that has won as much as they do has it figured out. But walking in there can be daunting and it's not for everyone. I guess that's one of the biggest benefits of the GA cheer market, if you don't like one product you can find another gym that might be to your liking. Just because you don't cheer there doesn't mean you can't be a fan even if you compete against them regularly. My daughter loves Orange and Amber etc... But she'd rather watch and compete against them at this point then cheer there. She may change her mind but....
It's funny that even on the board, 'I know' = 'I heard from someone that xyz.' Until a person gets on here and states FOR A FACT that they are cheering for free at that organization, or that they were specifically recruited for that reason and denied it, I will not believe a word anyone says.

Quite frankly, I stopped believing boys who said 'trust me' when I was 15..
Definitely. I was just always curious. (id still make the drive from MD to GA to clean the toilets though.) Oh, how I dream.

I have 3 kids one which is Special Needs and I am a single Mom so committing to the time to drive back and forth to Rays is just out of the question for us. I have to make sure my other kids can do some extra curricular activities as well as have some kind of time as a family. My daughter also does High School cheer at a very highly competitive High School, and my son will now be playing football for High School so all of these things factor in. My kids are EXTREMELY "HAPPY" being a part of ACE and love everything about it. They are "HOME" and as of right now my 2 oldest are cheering there, we will see how it works out for my youngest one :) Moral of the story is there are a TON of gyms in Georgia to choose from and I hope that everyone is happy with their choice and it works out great for their families :)

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