Sorry, one more thought - why is this conversation even a part of this thread?
In all of Trinity's communication via Twitter, FB and other advertising I've seen no where that they state "Level X cheers free" or "Come ask us how you can cheer for free." I have seen other teams, some mentioned here stating scholarships or "double fulls don't pay" but there's a thread out there on what recruiting is going to far. Maybe this particular conversation would be better had there.
If you or someone you know has been offered some sort of special arrangement, then shame on you for making a private business transaction public.
I also have seen no communication from them via FB or otherwise stating anything definitive about who's cheering there or if they're doing a show of some sort. So until that happens its all rumors.
Now if you want to talk about how Tonya and Gianni working together should make for quite a season next year - assuming they have the cheer talent to go with thier coaching talent then carry on.