I haven't been here in forever. No offense, but I fell asleep reading this thread last night, long day at work and all.
Are these the facts?
1. Trinity is a second year gym, they went to NCA and someone got hurt on med AG 5, I don't remember watching them, sad face.
2. Trinity has moolah and is recruiting athletes with it. I'm guessing they got some kids from GA and Jamie got mad and Twitter drama ensued.
3. There is something to do with a tv show.
4. Someone's mom from Stingrays is working there, but her kid isn't cheering there.
5. I just remembered this, there is someone named Gianni who worked at Ga and this gym is in a gym Ga was going to be located, and they're using their designer themes.
Am I missing anything?
Who cares? I feel like if the season is over people are free to go where they want. Gym owners don't own these kids or their skills. Every year people move around, for different reasons, some more than others lol.
I'm also not threatened by all these cheerlebrities they are recruiting (just guessing they are because you guys know and are using their first names). It takes more to be a competitive winning team than skills. I fear that all of these cheerlebrities are going to get together and be unable to mesh as a team. It happens when a lot of kids join a gym from different gyms, there are different styles that have to blend, there are rivalries that have to be laid to rest, as well as getting everyone there to practice all while hoping the TV camera doesn't get in anyone's way.
As for the designer themed teams, there is no trademark on them, just ask the first person who used cat names. No matter whose idea they were when they were at Ga but are now gone, it will take me a lot of seasons to not think of Ga when I hear Louies and CoCos.just putting that out there.