Without quoting your entire post I think you are mis-interpreting the score sheet.
19-25 points L5 Multi-based stunt skills with multiple body positions while in the air. Stunts
with minimum required spotters. Elite load-in,
L5 dismount and transitional skills.
The way I interpret is; there needs to an:
ELITE load in (just bc its legal at lvl 4 doesn't mean its not elite)
L5 Dismount (double down)
and Transitional skills (tick tocks, full ups etc)
Compare it to a tumbling pass:
Punch Front thru to Round off HS whip whip Layout step-out (legal in level 4)
Punch Front thru to Round off HS whip whip Full (legal only in level 5)
In my opinion both are elite. If the full is what separates the elite-ness then the same could be said for the double down.
First off, I respect your opinion, but I really don't think anyone is mis-interpreting the scoresheet, its not specific enough. I think the scoresheet and its brief explanations of the point ranges is too vague and CAN be interpreted in different ways, however, I would think the interpretation should be relevant for the event we are discussing. This is WORLDS, an invitation only event not just for
level 5 but the best of the best senior
level 5 teams. And this interpretation is for the
TOP scoring range at the most prestigious level 5 competition.
19-25 points L5 Multi-based stunt skills with multiple body positions while in the air. Stunts
with minimum required spotters. Elite load-in, L5 dismount and transitional skills.
The first thing it says is
: L5 Multi-based stunt skills. L5 stunt skills. Not level 4. Level 5 stunt skills, not just the dismount.
ELITE Load in - I agree that there is a LACK of explanation on what an ELITE level load in is or even what a basic/advanced load in is on the scoresheet info, I think there should be some definition so it isn't left up to question/interpretation... But come on this is
WORLDS, consider the event we are discussing, the biggest and best competition out there for true level 5. I would have a hard time believing that an
ELITE load in at the highest range of level 5 competition should/would include skills that are level 4 or lower?!?! You tell me when you think of WORLDS, and an ELITE skill to be performed there, doesn't a level 4 skill by definition seem inappropriate? But I do agree stating ELITE load in it is possible to interpret it many ways... I just would expect ELITE to mean level 5 since this is WORLDS.
If a 1.5 up to heal stretch is a legal level 4 skill, I would define that as an ELITE load in at level 4. Well if it is an ELITE load in legal at level 4, I would think an ELITE load in at level 5, which is one level up from 4, to be something more difficult, or bare minimum a level 5 skill. Just doesn't sound right to me - ELITE worlds load in = lv 4 skill?????
I took the Line:
L5 dismount and transitional skills - to mean L5 dismount and L5 transitional skills
If you looked at just having "Transitional skills" with a double down dismount then you could do any other transitional skills: half ups, full twist to sponge, log rolls, etc they are all "transitional skills" too.... Again, this is worlds, I would think this TOP range of the scoresheet would and should imply true level 5 transitions, especially when the scoring range below it notes
L4/L5 dismount and transitional skills... Again, the first line in this is:
L5 multi-based stunt skills - well there needs to be actual L5 stunt skills then and not just the double down...
Under your interpretation (which I respect your opinion): to score in the top range at worlds you need to do an elite load in, which no one knows the definition of what it is, but could be a level 4 skill, hmmm...?, level 4 transitions (tick tocks, full ups etc), and end in a double down (Possibly only level 5 skill in sequence) and still score in the TOP range at WORLDS...?
I agree that both tumbling passes are ELITE, the one ending in a layout is an ELITE level 4 pass and should get NO level 5 credit. The one ending in a full is an ELITE level 5 pass... A full team throwing that elite level 4 pass should not get them into a level 5 scoring range... But since we are talking about stunts, just adding a double down to a stunt shouldn't get you into the top range for a level 5 stunt sequence at WORLDS... There should be other L5 elements, not L4.
I definitely think that certain skills need to be realigned by level, also that the worlds descriptions for scoresheets need to be a little more explanatory, which I don't think would limit creativity like it notes in the scoresheet packet. Other competition companies are very explanatory in their explanations of routine element requirements for scoring ranges and it hasn't led to less creative routines...