I can't stand them BUT I understand why they're so popular- it's pure escapism (the horrendously unreal concept of 'changing a person' and being loved despite being 'boring and plain'). Although, if you honestly look at a list of 'Ways to Tell if You're in an Abusive Relationship', you'll find Bella and Edward match almost every one. I find Bella vapid, unintelligent, and one-dimensional: not what I'm looking for in my book heroines (Hey Katniss and Hermione!). She writes on a fifth grade level. It doesn't help that at the time I was reading it, I was also reading Atlas Shrugged. It's blasphemy to do that- I don't suggest it lol :P If you like them, read them to your hearts content. I got halfway through the series and contemplated a large-scale book burning. Also I disagree with many of Stephanie Meyers ideals..