I am a Viper mom. I can tell you that most of this is verified as untrue, the rest has no evidence. I have done my research, there is not 100,000 in civil suits against him. He does have a genuine interest in cheer (he still cheers as a raven). That comment that was inflammatory about "being a little too interested in the older girls" comes from the defamation of character case that he had against another gym owner a couple of years ago. I will not name the other gym, but it is all in the case and he was found in the right on that. He is not financially vested in our gym. He is FRIENDS with Tom (the new owner) because they cheered together with the ravens, so it is kind of like a sister-gym of sorts. I cannot speak to the dues and comps because I was not there, but there is no record of him previously owning another gym that I could find anywhere.
I really wish that less people found a need to continue to kick someone that was already down. These are not loaded comments about some faceless, cold organization. These are comments about a small group of people that have hurt children and hopeful leaders that are willing to fight through disparity. Our whole organization has been "fearful" of what is going on and unsure as to what the future may hold, but teaching our girls to "run in the other direction" as soon as we hit a rough patch is not a life lesson that I, personally, am not willing to do. Oh, and the added comment about
'if you have no problem with this and money to throw around, your child can be the start of the team!" ... Really? Why such a heartless addition to the soap-box speech? To assume that anybody that stays is either an idiot for wasting money, or immoral for buying a star position is beyond culpable and unnecessary given the position that everyone of these families were put in.
Our girls have been through so much already. My baby cried a lot over the deceit, and the thought of having to change gyms. We really were on the fence about leaving, even though we thought it wrong to ever quit mid-season. After having the initial meeting with Tom and hearing him out I felt so much better. And, I can tell you that he is not just talk. He has made awesome changes and done everything in his power to allow our girls to have a full season. He made the transition seamless (aside from the issues that were beyond his control) and all of the money that was stolen from us by Ron, he is honoring (from his own pocket) so all of these families would not be out one dime. I am so glad that we chose to stay, and proud to be part of VIP athletics! Our cheer family is closer now than ever, and my CP is so happy!
At the end of the day, isn't that what this is all about?