Well I'm sure you already know this but NCA/UCA college rules DO NOT equal all star rules
You do not have to be particularly smart to read and accurately interpret the rules (perhaps a bit negligent if you don't), also if you are a legality judge that happens to miss a violation (especially if it looks good) that doesn't make you stupid
Cheersport and NCA nationals are full of teams with legality deductions for skills they "competed all year at other competitions" so that doesn't hold much weight... everything is legal until you get caught
Our program has done pretty well at the world championships as well, 6 golds, 12 total globes, second ONLY to cheer athletics, and I don't have any statistics here to verify this but I would put Stingrays top three finishes per attempt up against anyones... More importantly we can (and often do) compete and win at a very high level in any/every division we enter, that's something that doesn't seem to mean to much to a lot of other people but it means more to our program than anything else.... We are also the only program to ever win 11 NCA national titles in one year (the next closest is 8 which is also us... twice)... So by all means argue with King, and defend your gym, lord knows I would... I do not, however, think it is appropriate to bring our gyms success into the equation
I hate to stick up for him I really do but King has coached a team that won a world championship and the team the ended SOT's NCA streak so he obviously has some coaching chops too... Still only makes him the second best coach in his house though