Well what are they getting payed for?
I think our sport as a whole needs to starts looking at issues like this more seriously. If you're a safety judge you should know the rules and be able to catch issues while watching. It's not like football or basketball where there is officials on the floor running around with us during our routine, these judges are nice and stationary. In my opinion if someone competes an illegal skill it should be seen and caught everytime. 7 of these stunts were done, how do you miss that!? Maybe we need our legality judges to sit right next to the floor or something. I also feel like there's plenty of people out there capable of reading and understanding the rules for all levels, so why at the end of the day is there only one person who determines what is and isn't legal. I'll take multiple opinions over one any day, especially after an incident like this. If we had only one judge in our countries legal system that ultimately decided every verdict, I would hope when he said your guilty he knew for sure.
I like Gt, I'm not at all trying to take anything away from them, I just feel like this situation with this particular stunt is way bigger than any one gym, it effects our entire sport as a whole.