Am I the only one confused by the attack on
@FamousxMindset blanket opinion about not putting foundation and a smokey eye on an 8 year old. Like she/he said it to no one in particular
Like some of y'all came at her/him with a "hit dog will holler" attitude....and I don't get it
I agree about the foundation thing (a smoky eye doesn't bother me so much ). I don't have kids (thankfully) but everyone knows I'm my nieces cheer mom and home girl doesn't wear foundation (or powder). Her mom (my sister) says "don't put foundation on my kid" and I say " would I put foundation on your 8/9/10 (however old she is at the given time) child"
I'd also like to point out that my older sister is also one that said growing up "my child will never wear all of this ________ make up" and well look at God, her child doesn't. So I mean sure some opinions change on the matter....but some don't.
Like why am I going to use my $50 foundation (my niece and I would wear the same color) on a 10 yr old with already flawless, blemish free skin. Girl bye.
I don't understand this concept of needing foundation to avoid being "washed out". Genuinely don't. Do brown kids not wash out and that's why we don't get the foundation need? @onecoolcoachnowmom pointed out that maybe it's racial and I can attest that I never wore foundation until I was mid 20s (because I had no need..).
Is it a pigment thing? Are y'all putting darker foundation on your kids to help avoid "wash out"? Help me understand.... This confusion is right up there with spray tans for me.
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