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  1. K

    High School Backspot help!!

    I'm the main backspot for my team. I love my part but I'm struggling right now, my flier would like to lib on her left foot (which means i have to push with my left hand) but the hand i need to push her up isn't as strong as the other hand. What do I need to do to strengthen my arm/wrist. And...
  2. A

    High School Lib full down and libs

    this is my first season flying and I’ve been having some struggle with libs. My libs are inconsistent. Sometimes I hit my lib and other times I don’t. I want to know how to hit to hit it every time . Also, I have been struggling with lib full downs. I can full down I’ve done it before but my lib...
  3. F

    All-Star Lib Keeps Faliing Over To The Right

    Our stunt group has been working extended ground-up libs and for some reason every time it gets up there it immediately starts leaning and eventually falls over to the right (over the main base) my coach says that it's because I'm (the side base) not getting under the stunt enough, and I'm...
  4. CoachKar

    High School Lib Help!

    my stunt groups can NOT for the life of them hit consistent libs. From a flyer toeing or dropping their hip and coming out of the stunt to the bases not giving her a flat surface or controling the foot. I need some awesome lib drills! When they do hit they are beautiful however I need...
  5. tjbettin

    High School Falling Out Of Lib

    One of my flyers keeps STEPPING out of her lib when she's in the air, forcing her to fall forward and land directly on the mat on her foot. I'm worried about a potential ankle injury. How do I teach a flyer not to do that. PS: the bases are able to get the lib up there and hold it. It only...
  6. Keep_Believing

    Lib Full Around

    Any drills you can practice at home to help with the lib full around? My CP can do tick tocks, double ups, inversion to heel stretches, etc. with ease. She tried the lib full around for first time yesterday and really struggled. Her Coaches are amazing. I know they will work with her on it...
  7. mws4u

    High School High To High Lib Full Around

    Hey guys, I'd love some help if anyone has any suggestions. My teams wants to do high to high lib full arounds this year. (Lib to lib) I know the traditional grip, but does anyone know an easier way to do these? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
  8. MaleCheer@Cali

    Extension Lib

    Hey guys, I am a level 2 base, and in pyramid, I cannot seem to do the extension lib properly. I am a main base and we go from a two legged sponge to an extension lib. It doesn't go all the way up and when it does I almost fall, my coaches are telling me to keep much stomach tight, but what else...
  9. E

    Lib Help

    During practice today my stunt group hit a lib but it was more of a show and go the flyer fell but gave us warning so she was good is there anyway as a backspot i can make sure the stunt hits and another question how do i get used to flying tiner girls like i started backing some of the shorter...
  10. Addie Farris

    All-Star 1/4 Turn Cradle From Lib

    In Level 3, it says a 1/4 turn cradle is allowed from an extended lib. If a group was up in an aero and popped the flyer so that her feet swept behind her and she was caught on her side so that she was facing the crowd- would that be a 1/4 turn?
  11. S

    Full Up To Lib On Right Leg, Does Everyone Twist Right? Is It Posible To Twist Left?

    Hi, We're having a discussion about twisting in stunts. We stand on right leg in stunts. When we do a full down from arabesque we twist left. When we do a kick full down we do a kick with right leg and twist left. Doing a 180 up and twist left is no problem but how about 360 full up? Can you...
  12. J

    Looking For Tips/tricks For A Handstand Up To Lib...

    My bases seem to be giving a good pop, but flyers feet are drifting through & having a hard time catching the feet. Tips? How long should the flyer wait to pull her feet under & chest up?
  13. lovely.lily

    Kick Single / Kick Dubs From Lib Legality?

    Hey there! I was wondering a little about the legality of kick singles and doubles from lib. At what level can you ksingle or kdub from a prep, versus extension. And how many bases must be under the stunt? Thanks so much!
  14. KDub

    Single Based Lib - Level 3

    In level 3 are you allowed to do an extended lib with 2 bases underneath - one of them would have one hand on ankle to be considered the backspot or spotter? Thanks!
  15. Francesca

    Help With My Lib?

    well it's getting there, but i'm still having trouble. i have hyper extended knees and my coach thinks that's the problem and she may be right. i can do it with a hyper extended knee of a can of pineapples but it's harder when i'm actually doing it in the air. i haven't tried this yet but i...
  16. Francesca

    Tips For My Lib/one Leg?

    i can get up there, but i can't stick it for long! what are some tips to keep me tight enough in the air? ty in advanced :)
  17. Sharkie

    Flyer With A Lib Problem

    one of our flyers has a problem and id like to get some tips for her to solve her problem. when she goes up into her extension lib, each time when she needs to pull up her legg, no matter if its for just a plain lib or heelstretch,...she always bends the leg she's standing on which leads to...
  18. F

    Level 4, 3/4 Up To Lib

    Help... Quick legality question... in level 4- can you 3/4 up to lib? Or only half up to lib? Rules read you can only 1/2 up to one leg extended stunt... but under that it says the total rotation cannot exceed 1 full rotation... meaning flyer can half up and bases can quarter turn?? If you...
  19. CheerBabe8925

    Help With Lib Extensions

    My middle school team that I coach are learning one legged stunts. They muscle the libs up instead of it just being a straight shot. Once they get up there and are sturdy they can hit aerobesuq stretches you name it.. are there any words on encouragement or tips I can tell the bases to make sure...
  20. Benny

    College Partner Stunting (lib)

    Hi I am hoping I can get some tips on how my left hand needs to be when doing the lib in partner stunting. I am have this habit of grabbing the side of her foot with my left hand instead of putting underneath. I feel like I am really not even using my left hand that I am holding all her wait...