All-Star Cheer Superstitions

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when i'm backstage waiting to go on i always have to say im nervous. Even if im not (it happens sometimes). Otherwise i feel like the i'll jinks myself by saying im not nervous and then do bad.
Some Coach Superstitions...

*None of the coaches can go to the bathroom an hour before we take the floor because it is good luck to 'need to go pee' when your team goes out on the floor. Don't ask why because I don't know LOL.

* We have to use the same CD our choreographer issued us at camp. If we didn't use a choreographer then it has to be one we received from the music company.

* Bad warm up=great performance. Always. If we do great in warm-ups, we freak out.
1. i have a 22 karat gold megaphone necklace... i wear it for warmups and then give it to my coach. she wears it; and before i go on i kiss it and then she kisses it; happens for both all stars and varsity. just before awards i take it back and put it on and hold the megaphone part in my right hand.
2. i have nike musiques from 3 years ago that i have to compete in. they've been reglued and bleached a million times and the grips now suck but i freak out without them. i have like four pairs of new ones and i refuse to wear them. they smell awful but i don't care.
3. i have to wear a blue hand drawn star on my left eye, drawn in blue eyeliner.
4. just before we go on i look into the stands and then do like a jig to calm myself.
5. i have lucky underwear. plain black v.s. undiesss.
6. i have to do my make up in a certain order. right eye then left eye then lips then rest of face.
7. once we win; i don't wash my uniform until we lose... then i wash the bad luck out for a clean slate.

i have lots moreee but it would take me forever. my coach thinks i'm crazy with all my superstitions!
my team does "ooo I feel so good" .. it's an acting warm up, but you start low and sing the song and get louder and louder and LOUDER. by the end of it we're jumping all over each other screaming OO I FEEL SO GOOD!!! haha.
when i'm backstage waiting to go on i always have to say im nervous. Even if im not (it happens sometimes). Otherwise i feel like the i'll jinks myself by saying im not nervous and then do bad.

Haha you're such a nerd
One of my superstitions is that I can't tell people about them. I have way too many, I'm trying to stop. I'm just that phsyco when it comes to competition day.

..this thread is making me feel like I'm gonna puke

i feel like im gonna throw up reading these too!!!
didn't read the whole thread but as a Mom in the stands we have a thing that if the girls "hit" we need to sit exactly the same way the next time they perform. same people to our left and right of us to keep the good vibes going! lol.. don't know if any other crazy cheer moms out there do the same thing! lol
our traditions/superstitions kindof change every year, because its a new team every year, so what works with one team wont be the same for the other! :)
this year so far, we have only competed twice, but we have a big water jug (like a water cooler jug) and its spray painted gold, and it says WE ARE COED on it with a canadian flag, and we walk around the competition with it using it as a noise maker, and like yelling our team name and stuff.
then we dance around to our team music, and we r who we r by ke$ha, but we play it like 30 times over, sometimes other teams join our dance party! :)
then when we are in the hole, our coaches yell big circle little circle, and thats when all the flyers go and make a little circle and all the basses, backs, and fronts make a big circle around them, then they give us a pep talk, and then go around and high five all of us, but each have their own way of doing it, so like one will low five, and another will high five, and one will pinch our cheeks, etc.
then, when we are directly back stage (our coaches are already out waiting for us) we have a quick pep talk of our own, then we sing the call by the back street boys.
when they call our team i have to go out with my friend alyson, holding hands, and we HAVE to be the first ones on the floor! then we run to the very front, and hug, wish eachother good luck, then go to our spots.
the water jug that we have goes in the center of the front of the floor.
then when we are all in our spots, one of the vets on the team yell, "ready" then I yell "1-2-3" then the whole team yells "LETS GO COED" then our coach, ryan, it has to be ryan, presses play then runs to watch us!
ohh and kindof a personal tradition i always wear my gold sports bra that i got the first time i went to worlds in 2009! :)
last year i had to tie the same girls shoes... pray with my flyer.... do a handshake with my base... all of us do the same chant and listen to our coach say the same exact thing.... we all have to walk out in 2's with the same people and in the same and to others all hugged each other and kiss each other on the check around the circle 2 times around...once on the floor i had to find the girl who stands in front of me and blow her a kiss... i have to hug my flyer and swing her around once.... did this for the past 3 years and have never gotten anything but first weather this is skill or superstions it always works!
didn't read the whole thread but as a Mom in the stands we have a thing that if the girls "hit" we need to sit exactly the same way the next time they perform. same people to our left and right of us to keep the good vibes going! lol.. don't know if any other crazy cheer moms out there do the same thing! lol

I have a few too as a mom. I won't let my CP know though...don't need to let her in on my neuroses! ;)
i actually did a paper on my team's superstitions for school and it was like 5 pages long. ahahahaha. the main ones are:

1. Pass the squeezes. We stand in a circle and squeeze hands in a circle and it has to go faster everytime.
2. Juices. We all do this weird hand thing and say "get the juices flowing" and end with an indian chant,
3. We yell in a circle Pump it up, get pumped, get pumped, pump it up get pump 2x we've got to pump it up, pump it up, pump it up, pump it up, say what, say what, say what, say what. we say the whole thing twice that scream the last say what.
4. then we do all our individual/partner/stunt rituals
5. we all get in a circle, captains in center. the outside circle rocks back and forth while bouncing. we yell "who's gonna win? Katz are. who's gonna win? Katz are! when we gonna win? Now! when we gonna win? NOW!"
6. we "squish" the competition by rubbing our toes into the ground.
8. right before we go on the floor, "hands in! Jags on 3 guys. 1, 2, 3 JAGS!

if we mess these up, we all freak out. i'm shaking just typing this. it gets me so pumped! haha
for varsity i never warmed up my stunt, ever. my group would want to but i knew if we did i'd fall and i'd refuse to warm it up. for all star i can't EVER say that i'm nervous, and whenever anyone tells me they're nervous i don't say anything at all. i have a weird handshake and saying to go along with that i do everytime with her right before we go on and we walk together arm-in-arm everytime. i don't watch the team right before me or while we're "in the hole" because it freaks me out too much. i have to dance and keep dancing from the end of warm ups to when we go on. i could go on for forever!

oh and our team is NEVER allowed to straighten our hair ever again. we begged and begged to straighten it just for our program's competition for our exhibition..we're not allowed to ever do it again
I don't know if I would call them superstitions, but habits for me. Their are several but the two main ones are:

As a competitor: I have to find my mom in the crowd before I take the floor and wave to her before I start the routine. Even at 21 years old I still do it.

As a coach: I have to carry the c.d. with me, in my hand. I always have nigtmares that it is going to get lost somehow so I do not set it down the day of a comp. lol

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