I promise I'm really NOT saying anything about anyone else. If I were, I would say it directly...and I'm not. So people,in the world do NOT read anything more into this than what I'm about to say....
...that being said....
I am SO ridiculously impressed with Smoed. Not just their routine which had my son and I screaming at the computer screen like crazy people at my parents house...but their behavior during awards. OMG! They were the single most composed team I'd ever seen in my life. I expected at least some screaming and hugging (even if they're still firmly seated on their butts) and crying...all of which I would've found completely appropriate. I'm pretty much good with almost anything as long as they don't stand up before their name is called, i mean it IS a big deal, but Smoed was simply phenomenal. What amazing composure to have just won the biggest competition of their lives and behave so remarkably well.
I was a fan before...but I'm a rabid one now. Sportsmanship means more to me than skills and Smoed has them both!