All-Star Confessions Of A Cheerleader

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4. I can't stand how unfit my high school team is. On days we don't have practice we work out ( my coach is a kickbox instructor) for about 30 minutes. Within the first 30 seconds-I kid you not- there are people already slacking off and whining just about running in place. No wonder why we get laughed at.
I think we went to the same high school, and this post just reconfirmed it haha
Confession: I have every issue of American Cheerleader I've receieved in the last 4 years of my subscription...
I absolutely hate 'uniform chasers' with a passion. Mainly because that's a major reason most girls join cheerleading at University in the UK and then don't want to put the effort in. That being said, if the whole uniform aspect didn't exist then I wouldn't love cheerleading half as much :p
I may or may not believe that Reach The Beach in OC Maryland is cursed. I started going there my 7th grade year, with middle school cheer. Then 8th and 9th I went with Allstar. Every year I go, I get such bad stomach aches that I can hardly stand. We may not go this year, so not sure if the curse will continue
I may or may not believe that Reach The Beach in OC Maryland is cursed. I started going there my 7th grade year, with middle school cheer. Then 8th and 9th I went with Allstar. Every year I go, I get such bad stomach aches that I can hardly stand. We may not go this year, so not sure if the curse will continue

Ever year I go to the beach someone is sick that's with me and we always go to the same beach and the same house

1. I get so nervous before I compete that I take pepto before warm ups to calm down my stomach..
2. I feel like I could throw a million new tumbling skills in warm ups because I magically get more power than I ever have in the gym.
3. I spend all day at competitions curling hair, but its okay I love it because it keeps my nerves down and I can make sure that my team mates all look pretty!
4. I am always really tired from the 2 hour drive when I get to practice.
5. I would die without cheerleading, I'll probably be on an open team till I'm 50 years old.
6. None of my family is involved in cheerleading so the other parents on my team become my 19 other cheer moms and dads.
7. I wish I had an out of state competition every weekend.
8. F5 or die
1. I once laughed out loud when one of my competitors drop a stunt. :oops:
2. I hate it when teams have pink uniforms. I think it's the worst color to see on the floor.
3. Lib to lib tick tocks make me angry.
4. When my flyer is solid in the air, I tend to do a little "back bend" to see if the other flyers are still up in the air.
5. I hate teams that can't handle losing. If you don't like getting second place, either stop competing or work harder so you don't lose anymore.
6. I hate when people, especially coaches, trash talk about other teams on social media. Whether it's because a team is beating you, "took" your athletes, or even said something bad about you, it's not ok, it's unprofessional, and makes your gym look bad.
Lets see....
Comps stress me out and I've been known to snap at my mother for no reason... And my teammates.

I never stretch as much as usual on comp days, but my toe touches are always better...

I remember everything from choreography camp, even months later, every original count, and it drives me insane when other people don't remember. Especially if they won't listen to me even though its been established that my brain holds every cheer count I've ever learned. It also really bothers me when things become way different from the choreographer's original choreography. I feel like... Why hire a choreographer if you're gonna rechoreograph yourself...
this is me.